Congrats the less than 1% of labor that lasts 3 years wins 25 year old union wages

Congrats the less than 1% of labor that lasts 3 years wins 25 year old union wages

this is how the devil treats its exploitables

woohoo work 3 years 40 hours a week & you still dont qualify for a studio or 1 bedroom apartment. this is not a fair exchange for 40 hours of actual labor.

american dream yo

Not to mention since corporations own 35+% of housing with “people” like bezos buying 500 + million in single family homes, the next 3 years most renters will get an extortion letter from these price fixing predatory monopolists / labor traffickers that says pay more or move

so rent will go up 3 more times over the next 3 years like its been raised EVERY year for the last 5 & itll be higher than the few sheckles raise the devils are trying to throw you as a reward

so actually they turn a raise into less money see how actual evil functions? then they read it straight off a script, dont even they spouting fraud…

did we really have a meeting that doesnt effect 99+% of the people who attended it? were the anti human prose read by a robot created by one of those work from home types?

why is it not a requirement for “management” to be bi lingual? how disrespectful & insulting. how can you even manage a warehouse of humans whim half you cant even communicate with?

why are announcements made in 1 language? you are discriminating against people if half the warehouse gets to ignore it cuz they dont understand it why should I or anyone that does understand it for the same pay?

if mi hermanos y hermanas no hablo mi no hablo, comprende?

hey look how clean the remaining cup holders that have not once been cleaned in a full year plus, this look safe to put your drink in? 90% of cup holders look like picture & more than half just missing “stay hydrated”

look 1 safety pad out of 4 installed & its on a side least likely to bump a knee guess which sides have no safety bumper?

3 outta 4
they spent hours hoisting that “safety” & “pride” banner

how many thousands of times has “safety” “management” “enginerering”(Im doubting they have actual enginerring degrees & cant verify but it is on the vest), maintenace walked passed these bumpers in 13+ months?

how is that not malfeasence or negligence? it cant take more than a fuckin hour & $50 to cover the exposed plates on pull lines, yet 90+% exposed I found 1 with 75% exposed go head keep walking by the rest thousands of more times while you look me in my eyes, smile, then say something about “safety”

I cant comprehend how that is not fraud!

like please stay away from me I could write every single mamager up daily for veing on they cell phones ignoring safety shit….

I guess its safer to put drinks on dirty floor that also hasnt been cleaned in over a year, if a box on the floor is “unsafe” isnt a bottle or cup of liquid also unsafe?

“turn dont twist its not safe”
is a fun one
then they only give you enough room to twist hahaha devil get up off me

and again FDA I dont know if its still a thing since were at 100% corruption but theres shit, urine, spit, all types of nasty chemicals, & other contaminants on the floors that have also NEVER been cleaned in 1+ years where food humans eats is stored…

I know in ancient history when it was 95% corrupt food had to be least a pallet high off the floor but who knows maybe some billionaire paid to have that law not enforced or taken off the books

if you buy food from amazon just know its touching shit, urine, spit, chemicals… filth from dirty labors shoes & who knows what else and no cleanin of those floors ever been 13+ months ..

Also if its “mandatory” for drivers to display your evil logo on their uniforms does that not make them employees not “independent contractors” just askin for a friend ; )


it aint cheaper to keep Me I aint a “trophy” wife

good thing labor works for “prizes” , counterfit money called “swag bucks” only good at the company store(poison filled for profit vending machines) & “atta boys”

silly Me I thought labor exchanged labor for currency not whatever illegal shit game they turning a job into…

in ancient history the office people stayed in the office, they didnt come on the floor for the sole purpose to stare at you like a zoo animal where you PRODUCE, or spout fraud from some corporate script, if they did the union steward would make sure that useless person was never near the actual work enviroonment again.


EVERY aisle should have a scale Im guaraunteeing at least 5% of these boxes are fraudulently mislabled & heavier than they are, & a good number of bags that say 40-50# are 50+ & “companies” are getting over on amazon not checking or amazon complicit & in on the scam too

Isnt it hilarious that these cheap fucks who bring in 1.8 billion in revenue per day, who for some reason care so much about time but wont buy markers or magnets? so now the magnets left all have permanent marker on them so half the magnets cant even be read anymore…

straight mcfly shit

here u go genius as mentioned a year ago, $100ish magnets/markers $1 super glue BOOM all cart have a magnet on each side and all is efficient & readable …. one of those fancy enginerres could weld a penny worth of metal 2 both sides of em carts & now markers can be held der like pretty kangaroos in they pouches or under a clip

or just insult us with a microwave bag of popcorn which couldnt of cost more than $20 for the entire warehouse so what was the food budget on .20 bag o microwave popcorn reward day? for 10+ hours of labor accounting?

but since half the pull carts & buffer brakes are literally broke and all scribbled on Im assuming they just let us wander around 10 minutes looking for markers & magnets since they care about efficiency

i mean the 1 ply is why I take 15 times longer to wipe ; )

see labor ape know how to play game too we dont harm other ape though

but coroprate ape want to lie & steal from labor ape because they hate US & no matter how many fake ass meetings & lies they start your day off with their actions will always prove they hate US with every fiber of their “being”

not 1 thought about this place had humans in mind, look at the lunch room look at bathroom, no ac first 4 years, soent 100+K didnt even turn it on, no outside shade, chairs, table, place to enjoy, nothing for labor

there are no humans running this operation just know that they are not your friends, they spend their days trying to come up with differents ways to steal from & exploit you while turning labor into some kind of game which I assure you it is not. they need to justify their salary as they produce nothing but emails

see when they write Black folk up or minority folk for cussing 3 times, while cussing themselves, showcasing stickers with cuss words on them, playing cuss words over the speakers their adding flags to your record, when minorities get written up for throwin packages, running, headphones, cell phone use, gloves while white managers arent thats more flags on your file….

its how you get 90+% white managers overseeing a warehouse of 80+% miniority & spanish speaking humans & they cant even communicate with em, using apps on phones+why do managers have personal phones out with Ny fuckin oucture on them)

“managers” dont know half their names even if theyve been here years, so clever college grads that dont know the basics of human introduction & deceny but they do know how to reign supreme and keep brown folks in they place

not that im personally interested in advancing just letting you know it why some are treated different im sure 5% here actually think this is a good legit company, just know youll be targeted for knowing your rights, so if u want to move up, do multiple jobs for 1 check & just say yes to every illegal or unethical, immoral… request

I personally dont work for swag bucks, prizes, disney dollars, I do my job & am insulted everytine Im asked to do someine elses, & use the word no or just ignore the insulting illegal requests.

if you wont screen new hires & let anyone click submit get the job, on top of paying 25 year old wages Imma do whatever the fuck I want till the badge stop working. I wish would pay attention to some devil reading lies off a script like Im stupid.

youre notjing but exploitation of immigrants & labor violators, your fines prove it.

stop acting like your beneficial to anyone but maybe 10,000 people

and in 3 years BPOM youll be paid like its 1999 in unionville

they need a memo, meeting, executive to fly in, law suits.. on how to treat human being

they “care”

people actually stood up & died for the rights & laws Amazon & a lot of companies are blatantly violating by just paying bribes/fines, doing whatever they want behind closed doors to people running things who dont have a clue whats goin on or do & dont care cuz that fine money tricklea down to they xorrupt asses

po babies cant replace that last mile or inch with robots & never will dumping lavors loot into FAKE intelligence hahahahaha good luck with that 90+% of the peiple who work or patronize you is under sheer duress & force ZERO loyalty, lose your illegal labor force, the logistics would shut down in 5 minutes

if only the public knew they still thinks its all farm labor hahahaha

nah they getting immigrants to do 2-3 jobs for 1 check, anyone who clicks submit gets job no other country screening or background checks, the government gives them a nice tax credit & 95+% churn (fired quit fail)within 90 days, tax credit runs out, churnable loses job by design, woohoo new tax credit to hire, wish I was so clever /s

They dont even try to hide it no more. all in the open, they could pay a fine daily its xheaper than following laws

seriously though go outside & lie to someones face, smile, see what happens, steal from them, try to get them to do free work… let me be around to film it : ) the things these devils do behind closed is simply amazing such audacity

$66,666 per employee in Bitcoin

are all valid Bitcoin (BTC) User Names / Lightning Addresses (ln)

if I can set something like that up in minutes imagine what they could do..

oh well printing money makes you work harder for your as the dollar in your pocket only has .50 of buying power….

are all valid Bitcoin (BTC) User Names / Lightning Addresses (ln)

a non evil human could seed ALL 1,500,000 1.5+ Million employees with $66,000 in BTC and still have 100+ Billion

100B / 1.5M = 66,666

no brewsters billionaires I suppose

good thing they raising all labors rents buying up single family homes, importing labor from countries that pay $3 a day labor/human trafficking immigrants, exploiting them into doing 2 jobs..

bet he dont do this shit ; )

capri suns but no markers? am I in 3rd grade?

so theres no markers & I actually heard theyre “refusing” to buy more, cant verify but sounds like what evil pieces of shit do, but I have to dodge office people thinking passing out capri suns is helpfulf not insulting?

get the fuck off the floor where humans are laboring

Im not fuckin 8 years old although My pay reflects it so no I dont want a fuckin capri sun, what did they come out a damaged box? you cant be serious, adults actually get paid to come up with this shit & are so oblivious other adults think its a good idea…

how bout make the stickers u fucked up on the floor legible, make sure the “calibrated” devices show the right time on 90% of devices instead of 10%, fix brakes on pull & buffer carts since half of those broke, clean & fix cup holders that havent been glanced at in a year, or clean the floor we’re forced to use cus of that negligence that also hasnt been touched in a year, or spend more than 5 seconds wiping down the fans u never turn on or clean, maybe spend an hour padding the metal on pull lines thats been exposed for a year…

or is your job literally to stare at labor like zoo animal, read lies & fraud from a script, ignore blatant safety issues daily while lying to labors faces about your concern for our safety, getting in the way, & coming up with insulting shit grade schoolers are fond of…

least it all lines up with the childrens pay

get rid of whatever position insulting chikdrens juice box giver is & replace with human that spends time putting boxes on shelves…

if their are no markers 1.8 billion per day scum there will be lots of blue lines as labor will just spend 10 minutes looking for one…

this wasnt a problem in ancient history wonder why…

yeah they crunched the numbers its just cheaper to pay fines & churn thru tax credit hires every 90 days than actuall screen & pay productive workers, & humans from places that pay $3 a day typically dont say no, are under duress, & atent familiar with labor laws are the future, cuz we “care”…

Amazon the type of Pimp that hangs out at grey hound bus stops, crumbles crack into teenagers blunts, & seeks out runaways lmao

posing as benefactors to humanity when its
nothing more than getting 1 person to do 2+ jobs for 1 check labor/human trafficking & exploiting the most vulnerable

but hey it beats $3 a day

insulting & degrading labor especially for no reason creaty hot sweaty balls, asses, & palms sho makes them damn devices so slippery & thats not good for those hot concrete floors, good thing theyll be icy cold floors in winter “cuz they care”

tech genius’ think its cheaper to treat labor like shit are hilarious, u can profit & dominate the weak all u want, shit dont work on Me. no profit from Me. ever again life is how that works.

I aint a robot devil.
fake intelligence will always be fake cant pretend to be smart but I heer some smarts can appear 2 be dum dums.

remember theyre so superior & we’re so stupid when they lie to our face we cant tell

hey accounting pretty sure 1 capri sun lasts 10 seconds while 1 market lasts a few weeks-months

great job Im sure youll spend hours next month hoisting some flag rather than do anything remotely effecting our actual safety

kudos n


everything is a lie(FRAUD) 2 the devil

when a “company” lies its FRAUD

to measure precisely yet 90+% of devices have wrong time for over 12 months!

suuuuuure thats the ticket

we dont know what words mean

20% of devices screens cracked & volume dont work.

90+% dont even have the right time.

I guarantee NOT 1 person in here knows how or “calibrates” devices this trillion dollar place dont even have enough devices for labor to use.

NOT one device unless newly arrived has been “calibrated”

12 doors hottest day of year so far 97 and only 1 open & its right by where managers stand for hours per day

at this point its malicious

Why Im the one turning on all the fans? they dont spend 1 minute thinking bout you, they just read fraud from a script & follow orders from their furhors

Whoever does run this place please introduce yourself so I can call you an evil piece of shit before My final clock out

We get it you hate humans & despise US.

Bizzaro planet where labor plays games & competes for counterfeit money “swag bucks” that can only be used at the for profit “company” store (poison filled vending machines)

I couldnt make this shit up if I wanted to who the fuck works or trades labor for “swag bucks” I dont work for disney dollars

this is really absurd got people running around trying to win red bulls

The lawyer has the nerve to say she was confused ..

my lord
bless em
they know not what they are or do

cleaned maybe they clean devices never saw anyone cleaning ine in 12+ months but maybe Im not paying attention…

I do know not 1 cup holder has been cleaned 12+ months & the majority are missing…

so labor gets to place drinks on floors that also have never been cleaned in 12 + months…

nor has the padding for knees that I assume have also never been cleaned sanitized in 12+ months ..

I do appreciate whoever spent 20 seconds wiping down the fans this year, after documentation has been up months the memo must’ve been read & at least 20% of the filth thats built up on fans over the the year has been removed..

woo hoo
such pride

they “care” they really do

rent up 50% is your pay?

buying up all the single family homes but he cares about you, hope he donating them homes to general laborers with some longevity with the “company”

preciate the .50 really helps when all the landlords keep sending emails that say pay more or move every year going on 6 years…

also preciate the donut. hope the food budget only $200 cuz they cant possibly be spending mo then that accounting department

haha yeah right its designed for you to fail & churn within 90days for the new batch of tax credits…


they care nothing about you. see how they treat ya wont even open up a free door..

summers almost over AC has not been turned on yet apparently they can afford helicopters but not fans…

over under it NEVER gets turned on accept on days osha visits

pretty sure id you took a vote 90% of labor would want it cooler with doors crwcked open provided a nice cool breeze free of charge from almighty G O D!

but never even asked huh? dont see people fanning themselves, standing in front of fans, some wearing daisy dukes, maybe I should wear some hot pants see how long I would last walking around in em, and pair it with a shirt with “FUCK” in bright neon on the front

my guesa is Id be walked out or asked to leave in 5 minutes, but aint we all equal?

they have hours for pride flags not 1 hour for your safety..

how many safetys & managers have walked pull lines in last year say 15, how many times per day say 5 timesa a day, so 15 * 5 = 75

75 * 365 ” safety &managers have walked by exposed metal plates at least 30,0000+ times and not one noticed or put in whatever to fix the & place padding on the 90+% of plates that have been missing them over a year?

but you “care”
fuckin clown show

500+ million for single family homes, no magnets, brakes, padding, markers, devices,…any fucking thing for you

aint you the core business? least of the logistics / warehousing arm?

Im NOT an Amazonian please stop calling me that, Im not from that area of the world disrespectful anti human Caucasion..

these fans been cussing for over a year when will they be written up?

see they Black treat em different

member berry silly CON valleys entire business is lie, cheat, steal, if it works just hires lawyers pay the fine

organized crime 2.0

more HR fraud they just cancel it hahahaha

yall belong under the prison

no crowded aisle message today when every single fuckin cart was in the same isle, managers cared so much they laughed at us mocking the fraud ai caring about our actual safety instead of just keeping people out the obvious overcrowed isle they just kept repeating cart coming thru for 5 straight minutes

u care though…

this hit hilarious

aint nobody withdraw shit weirdos
im not interested in entertaining any of the fraud that comes out your lying ass mouths

way to leave that part out from the fraud that spews out your mouth when you stopped me from working without bringing a replacement to my line forcing my line workers to do more labor due to your interuption…

im sure not downloading an app for it wtf anti human pieces of shit

btw white managers speakers, & fans cussing all day hypocrites

& the fraud hr department said nothing about it being cancelled FRAUD if I didnt attend a meeting where I have to sit thru the torture that u actually belive the garbage u read off a fraud script…

truly a piece of shit misleads in such manner.

next time try

“hey your appeal scheduled if you dont attend it will be cancelled” forcing me to attend the silly fake production but nah mention of that shit like the “up to $5” bull shit

best is corporate anti human bot slang that actually means fuck off but im not a lying piece of shit that uses basic words fraudlenty & violently according to actual definintion of words so


I mean

fuck off

um my app stopped letting me log in on July 15th aftervit FRAUDULENTLY told me it would longer fuction without updating…

since you weirdos created a hostile working environment with your constant lies & fraud… that only a blind, deaf, 80 or less i q havin human would believe..

I didnt update as Im being forced out for knowing my rights, not believing corporate fraud & propaganda, & not drinking Amazoms coolaid so I have no need for a new app to steal storage space & data from my personal phone that ammazon doesnt compensate me for… not quite sure how a cell phone is a requirement for a general labor warehouse job?

I didnt update it but wow it still spams & harrases me (serms to function fine in that regard)least 10 times a day with vto opportunries & another 10 offering shifts cuz of course its fraud and dont work either…

so I guess thats legal or Im forced to uninstall app (but how will I know if Im fired lol they let u know by not letting you log in and turn off badge from working lmao) u care such, the humanity lmao

yup Amazon stalks & harrases me when Im not on the clock least 15 times a day for vto & shifts, phone going off multiple time an hour 24/7 off the clock on the clock they dont give a fuck….

Not an eye doctor pretty sure staring into sun no bueno

Do any of the college educated mostly non bilingual masters of motivation know sun rises in east sets in west?

Do they also realise “its hot ALL doors are open” is fraud when only 20% of the doors are open? I mean we can count

Pretty sure starin into this 4+ hours a day is damaging labors eyes, maybe you dont notice labor intentionally working backwards not to face it or holding hands over eyes to avoid being blinded for over a year…

I mean just starin at the reglections on our vests is blinding…

maybe you can take a few minutes & open those doors on the west side or provide some sun protection on that side…

or maybe spend some more hours hoisting more pride flags since that apparently affects labor safety more than all this basic shit that should take minutes…

above my 1990s paygrade I suppose…

“hey Caucasians” at 4:31am today ludicrous was talkin about playing milk the cow with a womans mouth

the speaker must be white no one will write it up it keeps playing cuss words & degrading innapproriate words while labor tries to labor…

since the judge wont allow any “non transparent” evidence producing new stuff everyday….

wonder if the honorable reached out to all mediators on behalf of a trillion dollar corporate defendants wishes and advised them to give plaintiffs legal advice?

the same honorable that allows modern nazi perjurers to red line black tennants in 2024?

all I know is courts gonna be hilarious cuz Im printing out & exhibiting all these lyrics & infractions…

working for actual super prefators has been enlightning, soon as they run outta immigrant labor to exploit they pretty much lose their entire workforce & dem robots no where near close to ready nor can they handle that last mile or inch ..

billions n billions on FAKE intelligence they even put the fraud in the name, warehouses nor humans want your fraud bots…

I wonder if Indians call support they get an American that speaks English ar a 3rd grade level?

Why does labor have to call an 800 number that leads to a fraud robot ? or a human that speaks English at a 3rd grade level & how is that not fraud?

3rd graders cannot provide “support” to labor 5000+ miles away


hey Amazon I know you have 1 kiddie urinal since your prob trying to get laws changed so u can hire kids but can you snake it, it been clogged & is stankin up the bano

10/16/2024 any media wanna be present let me know…

oh well the cuss words on those Big “ass” fans still not removed & are offending labor who gets written up for the same thing tbe fans been displaying for over 12 months…

“Amazonians” are actually an entire culture of HUMANS

WE are labor NOT a whole culture & region in S America, WE are NOT “team” members…

Bad enough your defrauding, exploiting, human/labor trafficking…. many from this region of the world but do you have to insult them & steal their cultures name, Im assuming some person who works in a chair thought that was so clever, so “entitled” & priviliged fuck they culture well call our exploited workforce your name…

you are using words violently (yes look up the definition) & fraudulently..

: undue alteration (as of wording or sense in editing a text)

: injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation
Amazonia is a land of many rivers which eventually join to form the mainstream Amazon, carrying to the sea the rains and silt which feed the greatest forest in the world. Most of Amazonia is in Brazil, but an extensive network of tributaries flow into it from the neighbouring countries of Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, all of which share the environment and culture of the South American tropical lowlands.
The vast reaches of the Amazonian rainforest have been lived in and shaped by human hands for thousands of years. Long before Europeans arrived in the Americas this deep history of human interaction with river and forest gave rise to enduring cultural traditions and sophisticated art styles. Today people’s lives are closely intertwined with the plants and animals of the forest for their practical value as well as their symbolic significance.
Native Amazonians, or Amerindians, belong to a multitude of different ethnic groups with their own languages and cultures, but also sharing a common cultural tradition. Their story can be told in many ways through oral and written histories, objects and images. They often speak of the Amazon as a serpent, and the plan of the exhibition is based on this idea of a serpentine river which winds its way through the Amazonian past and present.

“care so much bout safety theyve been starting lines since Nov with no one there

yup this how they start u off they “care bout safety” so much

for almost a year they just start the lines no one on them boxes on the unsafe floor

cant figure out why half the workforce dont bother showin up or care huh? cant motivate the slaves huh?

majority of buffer racks & pull carts brakes broke and have been for least a year

and whose gonna write up those big “ASS” fans up for cussing? Im offended. they Black too!

is it too much to ask devices & clocks to show proper time or is everythin a psy op to degrade the environment to make labor miserable for no reason?

really not enough in the budget to have enough devices? ever heard of a tool room? warehouses have had em for a century anti human morons what exactly does maintenance do? put pride flags up? make sure doors are closed in summer so its miserables & open in the winter so were miserable, cuz miserable people love vto evil fucks?

is there even a maintenane dept?

not 1 outta 100 fuckin devices has the right time fuck all the way off

how many hours it take to hoist that pride flag?

you really cant figure out why no one listens or shows up huh? just force & defraud all that stay to do their jobs…

see the algo is programmed that it takes 2 people to do the job that is 2 people who average minimum numbers, but the negligence & malfeasence in letting any potato that can click submit along with the tax credits for hiring all the new arrivals cuz of the open borders it actually takes 4+

aint these modern human / labor traffickers so clever hide it all in propeietary software so it can never be proven then just pay all the fines cuz its cheaper…

then actually smile in yo face & want you to believe they aint evil fucks that belong in prison, actual super predators..

& what job tells u not to work so managers numbers on a screen move? stop degrading the environment so ur numbers work if boxes are on shelves u stow not wait for agreen lights, fuckin lunacy if its fuck our numbers in pay & lie everyday about caring bout our safety when u cant even fuck a door & let basic maintenance issues sit unfixed for 1+ years, why the fuck would we care about ur numbers?

see how humanity works devils?

“800,000 jobs created” FRAUD = actually <40,000

so forced to read that fraudulent propaganda while at the urinal

95+% designed to fail & do just that, churn out for the new batch of exploitables….

means those 800,000 jobs really less than 40K

aint it amazing amazon u hired someone that can do math

800,000 * .95 = 760,000
800,000 – 7600,000 = 40,000

& are u really bragging about creating jobs that pay 1990s union warehouse wages in 2024 that only people from countries that pay $3 a day are willing to do & even they know theyre being exploited lied to treated like shit…?

amazing what fraud devils will try & get you to believe

conviniently left out how many people last, only 1 person from my class left & my times over soon..

check the govt assistance, unemployment, welfare, vet box, or are new arrivals(white people figured out immigrant is too obvious in text & alien was insulting so violent with the words these devils lol))they get credits for 1st 90 days

thats the basics of that grift
free or cheap labor funded by taxpayers some of these “companies” even set their own properties up in reits and pay themselves rent for the bennies too

arent all these devils amazing?

white managers can cuss, speakers can cuss, big ASS fans can cuss

u niggers better not cuss though youll have to fill out book reports…

now does this look like they have enough people or does it look like they try to get the job done with least amount of labor possible?

hmmmm so much vto

and look even after bringing up to safety 11 months ago, filing a law suit & having pitures up for months… this “company” that cares about your safety sooooo much still hasnt spent $20 & taken an hour to cover up exposed metal plates, 90% still exposed & bangin on labors knees daily…

youll never be able to call me a nigger but if u want to continue to treat me like one thats least $30 an hour not 17, lmao & us slaves count what we take home & spend after the other criminals that let amazon operate steal their cut with no representation..”team”

member berry boxes on the floor arent “safe” but underpayin, understaffing, defrauding labor into picking up the slack of the least 20 more people they need,

malfeasence & negligence in hiring as many cant even tie their shoes so not close to capable of permorming at the minimum requirements….

“good workers” so hard find lmao try not paying childrens wages from the 1990s & treating humans like humans..

20 mores raises & your full time 40 hours per week will get you a studio apartment but 20 more raises will he 2044 and studio apartments will prob be $15000 per month

they care they care
so much they wont open a door, clean a fan, give u a shaded area to enjoy breaks outside, pay you a wage that affords you a 1 bedroom, smile at you while lying out their mouths… & whose actions literally NEVER match their words(fraud)

but hey the guy at the top has 500 million dollars of single family homes & spends his time on a 500 million dollar boat, why should you have clean, cool air & a respectful environment to work in?

$100 on magnets .99 on supeglue boom ALL carts have 2 magnets amazing.. u care about time so much & the corns in out shits how bout soend an hour on that “leaders”

or just keep hiring any potatoe that can click submit for the tax credits & churn thru the boat loads of new arrivals that are greatful for the opportunity as their homelands pay $3 a day, Amazon cares so much about the local community & all it pays so little u cant live in it so extra 20 a day for yo commute …

I really dont give a fuck I find your devils fraud & blatant deployment of it amusing…

looks to me like almost 10 aisles didnt have a stower for hours, shirley(dint call me that) the algo was going bezerk & tellings managers so? or did miltiple of them just keep walkin buy the isles for an hour?

answer is walk on by

yet so much vto hmmmmm never mind slave just do the peoples who lefts jobs but dont get their pay

bias in frugality idea Pee buckets

Pee buckets since, the floor by where boxes need to go isnt safe but the floor at the end of the aisle where your usually labor trafficking someone into doing two jobs(since twice an hour 3 managers rush over to act like they doin something to help out) is safe

6 months ago amazon started shaming & degrading pull line labor to ask for bathroom breaks, so now most afraid to speak up & ask others not afraid of retailiation to ask for them, putting pee buckets in the pull line would save time & money…

I noticed the power went out yesterday its nit from turning AC on since its never been turned on but you could also save $5.21 per hour kerping those light off & you can have labor buy their own helmets with light in em since you dont even supply water bottels anymore times must be tough…

so much thought put into labor no shaded area to enjoy earth make the slaves sit on rocks in the sun & fight for shade where they can pull chairs out.. fuck dem humans

8 toilets for 100+ people woo hoo

4:38 am I heard andre 3000 talkin bout he wanna make a woman cum over the speakers

highly innaproriate gor a place writing niggers up 3 times for cussin no?

10:31 am yesterday By door 204 I heard a white manger say holy shit holy shit they got it working, that offended my nigger ears it was said to another manager such great examples wonder how many book reports on bad words he was humiliated into filling out?

“they care about safety”

dont have time to protect us from metal plates on pull lines or open doors but plenty of time to hoist a pride flag 100 feet in the air, who cares half the carts brakes dont work or about clean fans .

great priorities

memberberry the blind people experiment where they had blind people with stick on the floor? IDK to just show the slaves even blind people can do it? everytine I call Amazon 9 outta 10 of em cant speak English at a 3rd grade level at no fault of theirbown, Im sure My Indian is as good as their English, maybe have the blind & deaf folks do that, not even sure how a deaf human hears a “call out”

“no damages” but hiring people that cant tie their shoes or read so you had to implement colors, guess this charity & those who can read & tie their shoes have to do what they cant?

free to much for these cheap devils

how many times a year do we get the luxury of free ac from mother nature? how evil does one have to be to purposefully degrade labors environment for no reason?

open or crack all the fuckin doors u pieces of shit

its hotter fuckin inside in august then outside psychopaths

to the most insulting lawyer in the universe which Ivecpect nothing less from evil corp I
dont need to speak, hear, read…anything about amazon, I have eyes and worked here a year “entitled” bitch this dumb nigger can figure out when devils lie to his face & treat him different go figure …

kanye 4:55 am
nigga over the fuckin speaker

5:41 am today
lil wayne beat it like a cop beat it like a cop not twice 3 times yet write black men up 4 cussin

o.k .”tech company”
keep degrading labor & treating them different it ok I guess since the honorable judge obviously reached out to the mediator to try & give me legal advise which Im sire is illegal if not a conflict & the only evidence that woll be allowed is “transparent” so will be posted on public internet, dont get any more transparent devils…

5:51 am tracficking white
goin to hell jeezy
no nuts no glory
all over the speaker

what in the fuck type of work appropriate music is that?

women talkin about pay my bills & eat my coochie coochie bang bang all over the speaker

im highly offended

even though I gave 2 different managers usb sticks with top 100 from 1945-2015 to stop the cia torture handbook playlist its never been used, maybe hearing kung fu fighting 100+ days in a row made me crazy how the cia tortire handbook says playing the same repulsive songs over & over can do…

they said they had to check for bad words, I said delete or dont play anything before 1990 hit play or shuffle its radio no commercials but insted we get spoitfy torture tactics

someone please explain what planet Im now online where I have to stare atca gay flag at work all day? i dont give 2 shits about that shit do what cha do, more for me, I enjoy nutting on freaky womens faces & in their mouths do I get to put a face painters of america or I love swallowers flag up for everyone to look at?

point being how does that have any fuxking thing at all to do with a workplace?

We put boxes on shelves for minimum wage why is it necessay for labor to deal with amazon propaganda & fraud?

not work approriate

care about my safety

good news 20 MORE .50 raises youll qualify for a studio

40 hours a week you dont even qualify for a bedroom but 20 more raises you can get a studio they “care” so much good thing the trickin founder owns 500+ million dollars of single family homes, Im sure that devilish act has nothing to do with rent or your pay, ran out of americans to exploit so other than immigrants lets buy up that housing supply so people need second jobstap that market hahahaha billionaires so clever

these devils walkin round here thinkin they work for a legitimate business & apparently college educated…

newsflash if you have to train someone how to introduce themselves to other human beings chances are you wont be able to teach them to lead but best wishes on your endeavors poor naive souls dont know they pawns for actual super predators engaged in human trafficking labor…

they “care” bout your safety just not your 1990s pay for this type of labor / job

they care bout your safety just not your body temperature, hey slaves look we have hundreds of thousands of dollars for helicopters and some ac we will never even turn on,(did that orediction not come true)

yo finance could spent 10,000 on fans & misters that actual cool the place and saved themselves least 90K off the fuck you labor pony / air show.. I bet they turn that ac on everyday osha tips them off to a visit cuz bribes lok

they care bout your safety but cant be bothered to EVER clean the fans or area where labor needs to place their water, none of that shit been cleaned since I started over a year ago, not in that 1.7 billion a day revenue I suppose..

they care about your safety but fuck yo knees, over a year 90+% of the steel plates on pull lines still exposed, estimated time & cost of repair 1 hour $20?

they care about your safety but turn labor into a game where you compete for counterfit money that can only be spent at the company store(vending machine). what fuckin planet is this where your competing for fuckin red bulls and fake money? how is that even remotely legal & who comes up with such nonsense?

they care about your safety but fuck yo mental health its pefectly normal to he forced to listen to corporate bullshit, lies, & fraud…every fuckin day like anyone with an iq over 80 could possibly believe any of the bull shit u say that doesnt reflect actions in the real world in any matter…

I dont get paid to listen to your bullshit, human beings know when their being fucking lied to, after 1 time any human being thats been lied to stops payin any fucking attention to said liars…

your welcome for the free how humans behave lessin robots

what dont yall fuckin comprehend about that?

I dont want special treatment,Im not entitled to shit but the wage I agreed to, but you not gonna fuckin lie to my face or treat me different and expect me to address you with any respect. I dont do ither peoples jobs I know what an organized warehouse looks like, I know exploitation, save your fake smiles & lies for your fellow cult members, youre not clever & I dint drink cool aid.

I put boxes on shelves thats it, if you not talking to me bout that please leave me the fuck alone, youre liars, frauds, I dont believe you, its devilish, its fake, we dont need to share space, my upt is almost gone & you devils preaching “communication” will turn off access to my app or badge once I dont return some email I never check as Im warehouse general fuckin labor not office email responder, & we can go our seperate ways, Im not trying to become lead human trafficker at your scummy “company”, im not going to quit cuz its easy & I do my fuckin job until my badge / app stops working cuz thats how anti humans hypocrite devils that say commnuicate act but they need a fuckin memo to say good morning & tteat humans with respect which is even worse now as its so forced and fake its nauseating…

jesus fuckin christ how do you ruin a fuckin a minimum wage fuckin jib? the devil really does destroy everything it touches…

cant even put boxes on a shelf for minimum wages without 10 different devils doing nothing, talking bout nothing, trying to steal human joy for no fuckin reason

you know 30 years ago when humans were paid & treated like adults they did their job unsupervised as they with respect & dignity, if they didnt hit numbers they were let go, now you pay childrens wages and pay 3 mangers to stare at evercactual laborer like zoo animals & expect them act like adults is hilarious…

anyhoo all works honorable devils something I learned in grade school, pay not be but the labor is

3:44 am today “hey team” over loudspeaker

this is using words fraudulently WE are labor “teams” cant collectively bargain & share wins, you know profits devils… yall wont even open when its free unless its below zero to freeze labor out (cant even make this devilish shit up)

Lets exploit more people from places my tax dollars destroy with bombs that pay labor $3 a day were so clever just do 2+ jobs judges & labor department on our payroll

stay classy amazin Im sure your untentions with all these tax credits are honorable lmao

evidence dont even matter right in yo fuckin face, its fuck you well just pay the fine

lifting 5,000+ more bixes per week than necessary in top of listening to cannon fodder for supervpredators spout lies from a fraud script every days isnt “damaging”

perfectly fuckin normal in bizzaro world

& Im cussing so much because ive had to write 4 fuckin book reports on cussing after being written up by fuckin strangers that have zero business being anywhere the fuck around me

meanwhile they didnt notice the “FUCK” in bright neon on a white guys shirt an entire shift

fuck you & everything you stand for, please kindly stay the fuck away from me, Im trying to be polite theres nothing you xan tell me about pittin boxes on a fuckin shelf, and everything else is irelevant as I will never listen to any of the fraud you attenpt to pass off as human conversation…

no where near close to paying me enough to tolerate such disrespect

I pray you all soend eternity in prison & are broken up but Im sure you have a decade of more bribes I mean fines to pay off before you rebrand unto your next shitty version of a company

care about my fuckin safety
fuck outta here
buy a clue you oblivious parasites

lawyers get paid not labor

No mediation settlement,
no “damages” someone not lifting / moving 5,000+ more boxes in a purposefully degraded environment due to negligence and malfeasence in hiring practices on top of blatant fraud about how much they “care” isnt damages?

pretty sure if staffed correctly, with screened applicants all hitting minimum requirements means thousands of less movements per day which is less DAMAGING to LABOR actually doin the work…

not to mention how degrading & damagung it is to ones mental health to be constantly lied & defrauded by supposed “leaders” no one believes you, we know its a script, bots dont work in real life or online

labors not a game

actions show us how you really feel…

Amazons lawyer was confused I assume because she never lifted a box or is forced to breathe hot, dirty, contaminated…air for no reason, among other things…

oh well Amazon decided to pay lawyers instead of labor so it goes before judge on Oct 16th 2024

labor $230 + 2 hours time

labor traffickers few thousand

assuming thee honorable judge benefits from the billions in criminal fines Amazons already accumulated this year so I dont expect her to be honor that justice code as all they beholden to their paymasters…

so doubtful this wins, its always amusing seeing how many people in expensive suits will show up & justify their criminal actions with irelevvant legalese though..

only 2 corns in my shit today since you countin amazon ..

ul waste a couple hundred
theyll spend thousands
chance of winning probably less than 10% at this point

wont know till 10/16/2024

take all the pictures of dirty fans, exposed metal on pull lines, unsafe conditions due to understaffing, purposefully degraded work envirionments…. as it cant hurt but most likely wont help .. theyll write you up for it while at the same time storimg your face pics on their personal phones because thats how hypocrites roll

dont think I have enough upt to make it to 10/16 so till the badge stop workin I suppose

no incentive to do more than the minimum 6 per minute, theyll get the labor they pay for until we part ways


I aint a playa I just “FUCK ALOT”

If mediation on the 7th isnt satisfactory, I will exhibit all this bullshit up for court, print out, organize pictures, grab a copy of that C I A Tortire hanbook to include as evidence and prepare to waste a few hours in court being amused by I assume no less than 3 devils in high priced suits & a judge with a conflict as she prospers from the billions in bribes I mean fines the criminals at Amazon pay annually…

you can efile ALL small claims files, no need to visit if you dont mind paying online.

subject line: small claims efile amazon

.pdf of scanned documents.


within a day or few they’ll let you know if it’s correct, with a case #, & a link to pay $55.

Wonder how long I would last walking around with “FUCK” on My shirt, maybe I should test to see how fast these racist discriminatory hypocrites act when Im walking around with such a shirt.

all I know after 6 months of putting boxes on a shelf for minimum wage some weirdo who I assume never even seen a warehouse or human before comes up to Me inquiring about the corns in My shit, I tell whoever he is hes hilarious & go back to putting boxes on a shelf, maybe 2 weeks later some other stranger alien approaches Me & I already see shes about to insult Me with the same corn in shit script so I ask for a witness.

She brings a non neutral/biased witness & since Ive been wrotten up no less than 3 times for cussing by people that have zero business being anywhere near me if not putting boxes on shelves, while white guys can walk around all day with “SIR FUCKS ALOT” on their tshirt, fans have big “ASS” stickers on them, the speakers play songs with “ASS” in them, the commercials spout “BITCH” & Im bombarded with CIA torture handbook methods of playing the same content continuously some including “banging on bathroom floors” …

I use My camera phone to document managers lying, clear safety negligence, malfeasance, blatant hypocrisy, fraud…

meanwhile hypocrite managers taking pictures of My bio metric data (face pics) on their personal camera phones, running around, cussing, eating on a warehouse floor, overseeing their immigrant labor force most can’t communicate with smiling as if their not cannon fodder for Amazons labor/human trafficking division.

3 lil Mikes could replace the other 15 or however many “managers” you train to stare at labor like zoo animals, he actually leads by example, a few others as well but if you want to save money I advise losing a few bowel movement inspectors & screening applicants.

It pretty obvious youve been trying to get Me to quit every since weirdos started following Me into the restroom & literally fake washing their hands & following Me to the clock & the endless meetings with about 10 strangers now that have absolutely nothing to do about putting boxes on shelves.

Its pretty obvious Amazon isnt interested in good labor, they want exploitable labor that doesn’t understand americas labor laws, & doesnt know they can say no when illegal tasks are asked of them. Thet want tax credits for the churnables that can figure out how to click submit.

HR used to screen applicants, now they can’t even communicate with more than half the labor here, & apparently can’t figure out how a printer works. You can probably save 2 salaries by just printing out that 800 number to the fraud robot system & taping it the wall whete they sit, as that’s all they’ve ever been able to accomplish. BTW they used a pen & paper for the fraud numbers & addresses they supplied Me.

HR has NEVER followed up on 1 of My complaints or false complaints against Me, but seem to foolow up on those hypocrite “managers” reports in record time…

My background checks go back decades, does Amazon run decade background checks in Venezuela, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, Somalia, Nigeria, Sudan, Congo….?

Are announcements made in English AND Spanish? Seems pretty discriminatory if over half the announcements cant be understood by the labor force, why exactly do I have to listen to the fraud managers try to spew but most others dont?

See Amazon the corns in My shit will now cost you thousands & you will never see a profit from Me, My family, or Friends ever in life. you anti humans so clever

Tom Petty dat PRO

when a “manager” says “its hot ALL doors are open” & 80% of doors are axtually CLOSED silly Me for takingbpicturesbof closed doors for evidencevof this fraud

when you tell immigrants “ALL school” is paid for when its “up to” you are not only misleading vunerable humans & committing fraud you are a human piece of trash

1 Billion for my own 30 bonded warehouses not happening so I’m going to try for $7500 before I’m fired or quit as this place is literally 99% fraud, none of the real world actions comes close to matching the words thrown around by Amazon propaganda force. It’s literally the emperor has no clothes round here.

What Amazon has done to labor & how Amazon treats labor is disgusting. Your’e actually teaching “humans” to lead off with bowel movements but least you taught the new class to attempt the script by introducing with a name 1st. Top Notch leadership your growing out a lab somewhere. Kudos.

Amazon is defrauding labor mostly immigrant status that does’nt speak English at all or very well & certainly does’nt understand this countries labor laws or that they can say no into performing 2 peoples jobs for 1 paycheck by an VTO / hiring algo / process that any 3rd can verify doesn’t work. But hey blame the computer right? As if the human don’t know how many people it takes to do the job.

paperwork in minites, hypocrite managers running…

I do my 6+ packages per minute in ky 3 aisles, some peolle get, 2 aisles, some 1 Im not sure how thats assigned Ive always had 3.

announcements aisle full is not no routes message

Id rather not answer button on surveys is fraud but if it takes 5 minutes & 100 times to get the button to work, Im going that route everytime parasites. Im paid by the 1996 hour.

Training videos can be bypassed they do not care if labor viewed or learned the course. You can just mash buttons till its over.

If you do pay attention to the mostly unrealistic depictions in they ate also fraud. Safe belts portrayed in video occur maybe 10% of the time in real life

Multiple mangers could be reported daily for running & hypocritical behavior. I’d report but when I do Im insulted with 1 800 numbers to fraud robots like Im some kind of idiot.

No follow ups ever occur although when random people lie on me or report me for frivolous shit they also can be reported for engaging in.

HR is fraud at this point as well.

overcrowding message

upto $5


lift up to 50 pounds in hiring ad

no push 450+ pounds in hiring ad

no outdoor job mentioned in hiring ad

Job Requirements Were to lift 50 pounds Theres least 20 people obviously not capable off that & I can’t pinpoint if its via gender, ethnicity, age, friendship, family status with hypocrite managers .. but work is not distributed evenly which is discriminatory against the labor doing 2-5+ times more than other labor that somehow doesnt need to meet minimum requirements… of course Im not privy to that data but a basic eyeball test should validate estimates.

Last I checked this not a charity.

Everyone above average $3 an hour raise. Top 25% $8 an hour raise. Below average stats 90 days to get above average.

It’s called incentive. There is none here, If I’m moving double, triple, quadruple… numbers of boxes more than 20+ people getting paid the same as me that’s a problem to me & everyone else doing the same.

Henry Ford paid labor enough to buy the cars they produced, most labor despise when they shop thru amazon & only do so cuz its cheaper(predatory pricing anti competitive behavior)

Even the immigrants eventually see amazon as a scam when safety team members are told by amazo to tell immigrants that amazon pays for school many of them not knowing its up to $5000, not being transparent in this scenario is despicable…

20 degrees outside in winter doors are open fans on, people freezing, heat almost never turned, pu tures of what frostbite looks like were shown though…

80+ degrees out no doors open no fans on?

purposefully degrade the environment make labor miserable so more likely to vto or quit? ready for the new batch of tax credits or whatever the scam is from hiring all these new arrivals that dont know they have rights and can say no…

or just so cheap ac dont need no labor give em a taco thats been sitting in the heat 2 hours …

I cant possibly believe the majority of managers ever worked in a warehouse or interacted with human kind before, not sure if grown in a lab or what type of anti human programming they receive but wow

30+ years in business 4 at this location & still havent figured it out is negligence or malfeasance or yall just dont care. there really are no other explanations…

I dont know who should be boss, but
little mike should be underboss & throw the rest away 3 lilttle mike can replace 10 of em

safety fraud
1 bag of jiffys in empty aisle is “unsafe”

1,2,3,4,5+ people + 1,2,3,4,5+ bags + 1,2,3,4,5+ carts in same isle during puck stage magically now becomes “safe”

please explain how 1 of these statements is not fraud

boxes stacked on floor 1-20 feet from where they will end up “not safe” same boxes falling off belt 50-100 feet away, multiple people tripping over them, ending up 100-1000 feet away from where they’ll end up requiring labor to handle them multiple more times than necessary becomes “safe”

please explain how 1 of these statements is not fraud?

“team” does corporate share profits with general labor warehouse? then please stop using fraudulent terms when addressing labor like we dont know what words mean.

subliminal music
cia torture handbook
overgeard managers talking bout “subliminally controlling” labor with songs like “should I stay or should I go” “vto” to get labor to accept vto which is an algo that any 5 year old can verify doesnt work & its criminally designed to defraud labor into doing multiple peoples jobs for 1 paycheck

There”s also this thing called division of labor thats like a 700 year old concept by now.

Not trying to be the bad guy here, I didn’t sign up for charity or to be defrauded into doing multiple peoples jobs for 1 paycheck. There has to be at least 20 people here not averaging 6 packages a minute or capable of doing this job which I was told required people to be able to lift at least 50 pounds, on top of being understaffed least 20 people which can easily be documented with evidence. Add in what seems to be 1 manager for every 5 people most who tend to just stare at labor like zoo animals while mostly in the the way, there’s a reason offices were invented go hide in one of those instead of full aisles.

I’m here to put boxes on a shelf, not entertain corporate fraud (listen to people lie) the pay is simply not worth the constant attempts to exploit me like I”m some kind of idiot that doesn’t have eyes or can do math.

When actions don’t match words humans recognize this as lies, nothing stated about my safety is true based on almost every action taken at Amazon. Micromange labor that’s below average stop trying to exploit & defraud labor doing their jobs into doing someone elses or you know pay more than what a union job like this paid in 1996.

Oh wait I’m sure there’s some tax credit scam on hiring all the new arrivals & replace me with 3 of them, I ain’t mad the hustle either way you get the labor you pay for & 3 of them is $40 more an hour than the $30 an hour this job should pay for above average production.

Since my bathroom breaks became such an important factor in Amazons business operations, and it’s quite obvious the labor department is content on the billions in fines every year, maybe a local small claims judge can hear it out.

I’m sure their also a benefactor of Amazons parasitic presence in the community.

So I’m acting accordingly since my homeland isn’t somewhere that pays $3 a day, I don’t or will ever split rent 3+ ways, & I have a basic knowledge of our nations labor laws & human rights.


I spent an hour longer on this in my life then I wanted to, if mediation isnt met & court is next step I will waste another hour or two of My life putting this into court formats with the exhibits and such & make sure I attach hundreds of pictures of over flowing isles, overcrowded isles, a copy of the C I A torture handbook as evidence and let you explain to a judge amazons labor practices.

4:30am sat july 13th spotify stars commercial “bitches” played over speakers Im written up 3 times for cussing by people that beling in office no where near where labor is LABORING

shaggy bangin

I got 9 months of this shit devils

1.7 Billion per day 700+ Million daily profit no fans for you

1 guy buys 500 Million dollars worth of single family homes contributing to the housing situation…

Cant spent less than $3000 on some misting fans for human labor?

We get fans that have NEVER been washed.

I bet the chips & processors sitting at 50 degrees are in air conditioned water cooled, clean aired buildings,…

humans you get hot dirt & exhaust blown down your lungs.

dont forget sun in your eyes I guess no one can figure out that sun setting in west rising in east thing so just blind the folks who have to work instead of you know open doors on west side instead of east…

and how bout open ALL the doors when its FREE ac the few times a year it makes sense, is that too much work to lock / unlock a few more doors everyday you poor thing good thing you dont have to lift 2000+ boxes or anything…

degrade the work environment intentionally instead so labors more incluned to take that “hot & spicy vto” cuz those same doors not opened in the summer were open & freezing the warehouse in the winter, they so clever yall they dont hate humans suuuuuure thats the ticket

I mean its been 11 months & a 20 minute $20 job that actually makes us safer hasnt been done as 90% of these still exposed…

wonder how long it would take, oh wait overnight?

good thing its been a cool summer so far…


I heard a rumor those food budgets are $2000 now I cant verify this but if true someone should be very ashamed passing out 1 donut, 1 taco, 1 slice of pizza….

just saying

its kinda like instructing humans that dont speak or understand English well that “tell them ALL” their school is paid for” defrauding & misleading them when its really “up to” as if they should know scummy corporate tactics like this when just trying to provide for their families & make a better life.

Way to exploit the most exploitable amazon

stay classy

remember the emperor has no clothes

they care about your safety, just not your body tempature, air quality, pay…..

how 2 file OSHA complaint for heat

Job ad did not mention this was an outdoor job. Misleading fraud.

“cuz your hot” Im hot u oblivious piece of human trash? read the warehouse everyone that actially performs labor is hot. We dont get to stand around the only open door 5+ hours a day. Im sure thats where you get your temperature readings from, I get mine where people actually work, not push carts around all day eating on a warehouse shop floor.

But most are under duress, being exploited, dont know our labor laws, & or afraid to speak up about it you know cuz bills actual human/labor traffickers.

Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking where victims are made to perform a task through force, fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States.

temprature readings of 85 degrees at 3 am, It aint even that hot out fuckin side, literal free cooling & theyd have you sweat cuz no valid reason they just hate you

95+ degrees at 8 am

feel free to file complaint the more the merrier

they wont open doors(unless its a door they stand around hours doung nothing)

thet wont turn on fans

When its freezing & snowing they have no problem opening doors good thing I have puctures of that with 30 degree and lower tempeature readings. It was so cold you take that “hot & spicy vto”

they care bout ya safety though, smile right in your face like the devil and lie

devil get up off Me!

but now its hot so the opposite anti human lets see how much we can purposefully degrade labor while designing the most inefficient warehouse ever.

see the fans that havent EVER been cleaned? these criminals with the fines to validate that statement care so much about your safety they blow that down your throat.

those are fans on the ground they never bother to clean, like the cupholders, imagine the layer of filth on the ceiling fans they just turnt on a week before july. Gotta remind these devils to turn those on or they’ll leave em off, gotta save sheckles fans to much luxury for labor ac only belongs in buildings with white folks & their family members that keep chairs busy all day. They the only ones that should get ac & bonuses.

They Intentionally covered up all the plugs so they cant even get plugged in, these are hitlers descendants & actually think their good people.

This is what organized crime looks like in 2024.

spend thousands on my doo doo winners

& some devil thinks this is funny & a game which confuses me.

oh well waiting on mediation date its obvious they only want exploitable labor, that wont or dont know they can say no when Amazon attempts to defraud them into doing multiple jobs for 1 paycheck (literal definition of labor/human trafficking)

shout out to the safety guy who hasnt installed over 30 .25 bumpers on the pull lines in about a year, I mean I brought it up when I started & still nothing. “safety” guy sho do know how to close a door and make your body temperature “safe” though Im guessing it would take an hour to do. But hey a year of people banging their knees everday seems betta for labor huh?

straight fucking clown show

bet whoever in charge of qr stickers makes more than general labor & spent months on those stickers that didnt last a week on the floor too. great job “team” now waste doing your shitty job a 7th grader coulda done better again amazonian.

yeah got 30+ pictures of that evidence of amazons “safety” concerns

why are non certified physical trainers trying to instruct labor into stretching routines?

why are multiple mangers using personal cell phones & allowing white general labor to take pictures of other general labors personal bio metric data(face pics), while instructing labor they cant do use theres to collect evidence of amazons blatant illegal activity & labor law violations?

lying to labor about safety is fraud sorry we dont believe you your actions show you only care about liabilty & getting job done cheap as possible.

Im just whistleblowing on every hypocrite that thinks they can lie to my face, insult me, degrade my environment…

why are managers writing general labor up for cussing while playing filthy records with cuz words over the speakers?

why are multiple managers running on the warehouse floor daily?

why do multiple managers seem oblivious to actual labor working by leaving their carts or having $75+ an hour meetings in front of actual labor, obstructing them from working? youre in the way.
go stand outside or get an office weirdos, you dont beling on a warehouse floor unless your doing actual labor, where do they do this at? just sit around and watch labor work like zoo animals?

seems likes theres 3 people standing around for every one person, you delegate minimum wage not micromange, you dont need 3+ people instructing 1 person how to put boxes on a shelf.

does the health department know food items delivered to the public are being stored on the floor? Im not up on todays laws but in ancient history food had to he at least on a pallet off the floor. Maybe a health department complaint is next.

Cant really stop a criminal orginization of this size but you sho can make sure they never profit a penny off you.

general labor is not to do managements job, oversee staffing, hiring, asigning peers aisles, covering peers who vto with no extra pay….

any 3rd grader can see your algos dont work, FAKE intelligence is FRAUD

humans have the right to real intelligence, any competent human or few knows how to run a basic fuckin warehouse, ignorance dont work in court either, yall either the most inefficient ignorant warehouse managers or its by criminal corporate design..

they blame it on how good workers are hard to find, but pay 25+ year old wages & treat labor like shit yet cant figure it out, if your from a country that pays $3 a day or for people whose rent/mortgage is $750-1000 like 20 years ago when $20 was actually a lot of money but with “people” like Bezos buying up $500,000,000+ in single family homes and printing money out of thin air… rent & mortgages have tripled but pay is still the same, actual worse when you actually calculate the numbers. Now the scam is get em to do multiple jobs cuz the labor department on payroll & wont do shit but fine em pocket change.

the fraud dont stop

next fine bill is due on the 1st Amazon will just pay it.



“we care about your safety team” so much fraud in 1 statement

don’t care about our body temperatures though.

don’t care bout our lungs though.

So week before july is 1st time they turn on ceiling fans since winter.

Funny how doors are open when it’s 20 degrees out to intetionally degrade labors environment to accept that “hot & spicy” vto

I’m guessing the cancer I mean dust on these fans is original from the buildings construction so NEVER been clean good thing they rarely turn em on & covered up all the outlets so we cant even plug them in.

Havent turned on AC yet either so might as well not exist. Pretty sure this wasnt advertised as an outside job. fraud.

I wrote “hi safety” on this fan

but 90 degrees only door open is where 6+ managers like to stand around & discuss more ways to degrade labor I suppose.

Were not supposed to take pics of Amazons illegal activity labor law violations, fraud, hypocritical behavior, but multiple managers & other labor can take pics of the board storing our personal private biometric data(face pics) on their personal phones?

hhhhmmmm fraud.

purposefully degrading the work environment to make it unbearably hot or cold to defraud or coerce labor into leaving or taking vto because Amazons ACTIONS show they only care about getting the job done as cheap as possible(least amount of labor possible/exploit most amount of labor)

Amazons WORDS are 99.9% FRAUD

remember I overheard managers discussing subliminally influincing labor with songs like “vto” , “should i stay or should I go?”…& countless others

management cares about me cussing but plays hundreds of songs with cuzz words like ass, skeet, trick…… seems hypocritcal borderline retaliation / discrimination? hmmmm

Why isnt it a requirement that management & hr be bi-lingual? I would think leaders would be able to communicate with the people they’re trying to lead. I would think thats a basic college skill as its obvious most of these managers never seen or been in a warehouse before, not sure if theyve ever encountered actual humans before either. Pretty sure whatever lab they were programmed in just bad but thats above my paygrade.

I mean really you went to college didnt learn spanish but did learn how to use basic English words fraudulently? That by design? How do you even qualify for a management position overseeing hundreds of hispanic speaking humans & cant communicate with them? hmmmm now thats privilege

dont even have to be able to speak to over half your workforce. yeah they care they cant even be bothered to learn how to communicate with you.

Me just dumb box lifter. cant tell when human lie to me or is not genuine. Me believe everything corporate ape say is true.

Why are speaker anouncements not in 2 languages? If 50+% of labor doesnt have to listen to the fraud why do I have to listen to it? You are discriminating against half your labor force.

would mean Amazon shares profits with labor. Amazons actions show they hate labor they literally despise us. Please STOP referring to us as “team” members. I would never in life team up with anti humans who labor traffic immigrants acting like theyre a legit business.

They didnt even give out christmas bomuses but someone got 100 million dollar yacht, here they cant even afford magnets, forget about heat or ac.

We know what words mean please save that shit for offices where delusional folks believe that anti human corprate bull shit.

The 1990s pay is all you need to know about how much Amazon values you

If you get hurt stretching when some non certified physical trainer tries to instruct you to stretch like a 1984 comedy movie, that non certified physical trainer is now liable & can be added to future lawsuits.

when companies lie its fraud
defrauding labor fits the definition of labor/human trafficking

since My bowel movements were so impotant

spends thousands on em

safety issues brought up 6+ months ago still not fixed, been takin pics of the same .25 cent fixable solution, yet nearly all of em still not safe when it would take 1 hour & $5 hhmmmmm fraud

pretty sure you can replace hr with a sign to that fraud robots 1 800 number

they never seem to follow up on complaints on managers as like mentioned multiple are on their phones taking pics, & multiple can be seen running everyday.

I stopped bothering with hr as its apparent thats 99.9% fraud as well

Im sure this months fine for basically being an organized crime racket has been paid out.

good news in 11 months today was the 1st FIRST time the overcrowding message wasnt fraud. woohoo alas it sent me to an unsafe aisle anyway right in front of 4+ managers apparent oblivious to how unsafe that many people in an aisle are, I mean there are blind & deaf people to be aware of…. oh well

safety first

isnt it also neat that the only part of the parking lot cleaned was where the executives came for a visit ; ) they care bout you dont you feel the love? have a donut with your sweat

dont worry the emperor has on no clothes!


melted hours old donut is yer bonus

How amazon treats labor is disgusting/evil. What amazon has done to labor is disgusting/evil.

Really 90 degrees 1 fan?
no ceiling fans?
no circulation?
forced to stare into sun / sun glare with no eye protection?

Let me guess they’ll wait to turn air conditioning on till Sept. like they waited to feb to try the heat?

why did it take 4 years in the 1st place? Did they really not have ac built in a 2020 building?

hey “team” ( literal fraud they keep committing , preciate the continued evidence though, we know what words mean)

thanks for your hard work, were so disconnected here’s a melted hours old .50 donut, preciate yall work for 30 year old air conditioned warehouse wages. We get tax credits for hiring whoever can click submit.. & really dont care about churn. No interview process is negligence….

Dont mind us, 3+ of us will just gather where you work & stare at you like zoo animals for 10+ minutes, we heard labor likes that.

no fans, no misters, no modern wages for you. “we care about your safety” Bull Shit. they hate us they despise us, almost every action they take is evidence.

Don’t worry they just following orders for a few more sheckles than general labor. Cannon fodder.

10 less “managers” are needed

$3 more an hour for all current labor

$8 more am hour for 6+ months above average stats

ac in summer / heat in winter
not pictures of what frost bite or heat stroke looks like devils

keep your fuckin snacks that arent even real food.

go micromanage minimum wage labor from an office where you can lie to eachother about being on a team & whatever else you find relevant that isnt…

this is a warehouse not an office, its certainly not a game.

I dont know why you think exploiting, manipulating, defrauding…. labor is amusing.

If youre american born & raised with eyes or any human really & dont think whats going on here is disgusting, youre part of the problem and equally disgusting.

AC and wont turn it on, so I guess fuck the fans till then. “safety”

to efile ALL small claims files, no need to visit if you dont mind paying online.


subject line: small claims efile amazon

.pdf of scanned documents.


within a day or few they’ll let you know if it’s correct, with a case #, & a link to pay $55.

How 2 sue Amazon In Denver Colorado Small Claims

after proof of service filed, email same address.

subject line: small claims case #2024S… efile amazon



within a day or few they’ll confirm when filed.

Now you contact mediator, attach both .pdfs & ask ro schedule a mediation.

She will schedule a mediation & send $70 invoice to pay a week before mediation.

That saves 2 trips to littleton.


Carcinogens in the air? Indoor air quality test?

Summer is amongnst us so prepare for half the fans NOT to work, not in the trillion dollars revenue budget, too many fines to pay, yachts to buy, & politicians / governments.. to bribe

Theres no filters on the fans, no water misters, so Amazon is basically blowing dust & vehicle emissions in our lungs 10+ hours everyday.

Typically fans blow air out of a building not down your throats.

I don’t recall any indoor air quality results posted, or masks provided to filter out obvious dirty contaminents..

I know there’s a few pregnant women in the building this may also be a concern for.

I do notice a light brown film of dust covering everything, Im no scientist but assume this same dust is now coating our lungs.

I do await the “safety” video that shows us what heat stroke looks like though ; )


to efile ALL small claims files, no need to visit if you dont mind paying online.


subject line: small claims efile amazon

.pdf of scanned documents.


within a day or few they’ll let you know if it’s correct, with a case #, & a link to pay $55.

How 2 sue Amazon In Denver Colorado Small Claims

after proof of service filed, email same address.

subject line: small claims case #2024S… efile amazon



within a day or few they’ll confirm when filed.

Now you contact mediator, attach both .pdfs & ask ro schedule a mediation.

She will schedule a mediation & send $70 invoice to pay a week before mediation.

That saves 2 trips to littleton.


pay fine commit any crime

aint it hilarious how you can violate labor laws in broad daylight, engage in fraud, steal, & exploit labor long as you pay that fine?

ha ha ha

this just 2024

amazon couldnt even pass their own fraud background check yes its fraud doing a 25+ year check on 50% of labor & a 1-10 year check on the other half oh well pay the fine as some would call that discrimination..

biz per usual

Tom Petty

35 million fine jan 2024 france
22K feb 2024 russia
2 million feb 2024
525 million april 2024
886 million jan 2024
Big Tech has already made enough money in 2024 to pay all its 2023 fines jan 8th 2024.

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy broke labor laws by saying workers are ‘better off’ without a union / The National Labor Relations Board found that Jassy’s comments dissuaded employees from supporting unions.

defrauding labor into doing 2 or more peoples jobs for 1 paycheck fits the definition of labor trafficking.

THE CEO violating labor laws in broad daylight didnt go to jail, will just reach in his pocket & pull out a penny to pay the fine, I mean bribe, you dont think these managers arent just following orders from their leader? The vast majority I honestly think never worked in a warehouse a day in their life, but that cant be possible?

Small claims = $7500 for any current or ex amazon employee, get back the money amazon stealing from you via fraud, malfeasance, negligence.. labor has rights

Ignorance is the same as complicity if the only ones that can’t see the fraud are management.

My apologies to fellow labor as I dont want yall to have any fallback, I just aint into people lying to My face, I try to just do My job & mind My business but when I see or hear blatant fraud or people being exploited Imma speak truth. The way These people treat labor is disgusting.

When a stranger woman made up a fairytale to try & get me modern day lynched(fired) I had to fill out a book report same day, no follow up as a witness verified her fraud, but apparently no consequences as shes still employed..

so white woman makes up story tries to get black man fired, form & paper work within hours…

white management reports “safety” concerns gets hr & paperwork within minutes, labor hets written up, “video evidences” is sited but never shown

black man reports same white woman with factual report after being called name, no paperwork, no follow up, no report, just ignored…

black man or any labor wants to report management, now tried twice..

paper no longer exists, whats paper? why would labor to file a written report? download are stalker app that spams & harrases you 10+ times a day off the clock offering vto then offering shifts, printer becomes complicated technology to use, oh its out of paper, h r will “talk to em about it”, fraudulent phone number with bots given, no human support, no follow ups, issue just vanishes into the either…

sorry Im from ancient history when labor laws existed, employers didnt lie (committ fraud) to your face, didnt ask labor to do someone elses job without added compensation, didnt lie about compensation or offer an extra $2 after 10 hours work, its called time & a half or double time..

try everything but follow laws & pay more…

worry bout the fraud & labor trafficking leave me out this weirdo shit…

When I tried to report the 1st bowel movement inspector / stranger /(manager?) hr wouldnt give me a form & said shed “talk” to him about it, no follow up…

When the 2nd bowel movement inspector attempted the same insulting script a month or so later I immediatley requested a witness…

Some stranger who apparently runs the place follows me into the bathroom one day & fake washes his hands while Im actually washing my hands since I just wipe ass & apparently bowel movement inspector 3 enters & does a fake wash maneuever soon as I step out the stall, proceeds to follow me to clock where I punch out, only then asks My name, in which My only reply was “Im off the clock”

Next day or encounter stranger #4 who has least never inquired about My bowel movements or asked Me to do someone elses job stopped Me from working to discuss throwing a package which bowel inspector #2 had reported…

I specifically told this stranger manager forms should be available & hr was not supplying them when asked…

very next day the manager who reported My package throwing was running near the middle lunch room door at around 9am friday may 3rd so fast that she didnt even notice something fall out of her pocket causing a slip hazard…

Im predicting this “video footage” is never found…

I went to report this manager running to HR because Tom Petty is a great artist & I love to point out hypocrisy & fraud also just because..

no form, apparently the printer was from the year 5000, was low on paper, hard to figure out, lets get a piece of paper & write a phone number to some robot that requires 5 minutes of button pressing then a 15 minute interview with some fraud bot that will prob sell your voice…

no labor should have an accesibnle stack of forms to report management, yall degrading the process by design so people wont bother….

anywhoo finally get some forms printed out and put in My pocket to turn in later…

then another stranger who keeps using the word team fraudulently doesnt like Me informing the vet is “up to $5” in app due to Amazon being scummy human haters so if you dont announce “up to $5” over the speaker its fruad…

within 5 minutes “team” fraud stranger has hr in a face to face meeting

so when management want to report something its handled fave to face in minutes, when labor wants to report management they cant get forms, have to give audio data to robots using uncompensated phone minutes & data, get no resolution or follow ups…

I signed up for a minimum wage general labor job, that doesnt give strangers the right to lie to Me or labors face, if your actions dont match your words you are lying, its not a “feeling” when youve paid half a billion just last month for being criminals its not beyond the realm that the same criminal shit is going on here..

labor department gets a monthly amazon check so thats useless..

small claims is labors only option…even if you dont win amazon spending thousands to defend itself vs your $200

Im pretty confident theyd settle during small claims video chat via zoom mediation, rather than send multiple lawyers to spend 5+ hours of a day in a courtroom in littleton colorado…

Im filing small claims first day Im either fired by illegal algo or fraudulent management, or quit & will update status on website. Feel free to forward anyone who was fired whoay also have a case…

these people really think were so stupid we dont know when theyre lying to us…

I do My job, staffing isnt My job, hiring isnt My job, micromanage the 20-30+ people that dont do their jobs, follow labor laws, & dont lie to My face so I can just put boxes on shelves at an above average rate por favor..

you dont pay enough to lie to My face, its fraud thanks for all the evidence though..
Amazon CEO Andy Jassy broke labor laws by saying workers are “better off” without a union
2 – 3 minutes

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy violated labor laws when making “coercive statements” about unions during interviews conducted in 2022, a judge for the National Labor Relations Board ruled on Wednesday.

The ruling, which stems from a complaint filed in October 2022, cites three instances in which Jassy commented negatively about unions. During an interview with CNBC in April 2022, Jassy said employees are “better off” not forming a union. Jassy made similar remarks during The New York Times’ DealBook event and Bloomberg’s Technology Summit.

“What we tell our employees in our fulfillment centers is that we think they’re better off without a union for a few reasons,” Jassy said at the DealBook Summit. “One is we try to hire people who we empower, if they find ways that they can make the experience better for customers or their fellow teammates, they can just go fix it. You know, they, they don’t have to go through a union. It’s not bureaucratic, it’s not slow.”

An NLRB judge said that Jassy’s statements “threatened employees”

In the ruling, NLRB Judge Brian Gee said that Jassy’s statements “threatened employees,” implying that “if they selected a union, they would become less empowered and would find it harder to get things done quickly.” Judge Gee recommends that Amazon cease and desist from making threatening statements about unions. He also recommends that Amazon post a notice at its facilities that reminds workers of their rights.

“We strongly disagree that any part of these comments were inappropriate and intend to appeal,” Amazon spokesperson Mary Kate Paradis says in an emailed statement to The Verge. “The decision reflects poorly on the state of free speech rights today, and we remain optimistic that we will be able to continue to engage in a reasonable discussion on these issues where all perspectives have an opportunity to be heard.”

Amazon has had a rough history with the NLRB. It has faced numerous labor law violations and complaints in the past and has even claimed the agency is unconstitutional.

How 2 sue Amazon In Denver Colorado Small Claims

Turn less than $250 into $7500

$130 needed 1st 2 days $55 to file with court $75 to serve Amazon, courts are backed up so mediation date might take weeks-months, as soon as proof of service filed, contact mediator, you won’t have to pay that $70 till a few days before mediation date.

I will drop off proof of service for free, saving you a trip.
no trips needed to efile, if you dont mind paying online

I will file on your behalf, scan filed documents for you for free. $55 is courts fee.

Just have to agree to a date as again multiple cases on same day would yield better faster results…

$75 needed next day that can be paid & filed on your phone.

$130 by May 15th?

pretty sure 30+ labor/human trafficking small claims lawsuits filed on the same day would even get media involved. Union sindicato takes a lot more time & money. This is an alternative if you have evidence or feel amazon is exploiting & degrading you.

1. PRINT, ADD NAME, SIGN, DATE 3 TIMES, black out amazon violations you don’t have evidence or claims to, Change Address & Phone If You Want, 2. $55 Drive to Littleton Court To File(Pay me $55 I’ll do it for you if everyone agrees on a date), 3. to serve Amazon ($75 can be done on phone), 3. file proof of service (I will drop off for you in Littleton if you need no fee), 4. set up zoom mediation ($70 a few months from now a few days before mediation date)…



add name, sign, date 3 TIMES, edit address/phone/reasons for suing if you want.

email to
subject “small claims efile”
wait a day or few for $55 invoice.
pay it
email receipt back


Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking where victims are made to perform a task through force, fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States.

Fraud fits the definition, when a company lies courts consider it fraud. This has been tested & proven.

This is much more effective the more people interested. If you need this job and have a household to run do not fuck with me, they WILL retaliate. I aint mad at cha, get it how you live ALL work, hustles, grinds… are honarable the pay might not be but the hussle sho is…

VET notice they have to include the “voluntary” to this scam, to emphasize its a choice thos is the way criminals design things 25+ years ago when labor laws still existed everything after 10 hours a day was considered overtime, meaning labor got time & a half. 25+ years ago union warehouse jobs paid the same as Amazon gets away with paying.

The bs workout routine performed by non certified physical trainers(liable) is from the 1984 movie “Gung Ho” & it was effective then because 1984 union auto workers were paid the equivilant of what Amazon is paying labor 40 years ago. Pay me the equivilant of a union auto worker in 2024 not 1984 & I might consider listening to uncertified physical trainers.

The hiring process is also negligence & fraud, no screening anyone that hits submit can get the job, as the feds & states are also complicit as Amazon gets tax credits & benefits for the amount of people hired, if they xheck that govt. assistance box the receive the credit & they basically get money to pay the labor till by design they churn out, & hire the next candidate that can figure out the complicated process of clicking submit.

In ancient history HR actually interviewed people, noe they cant figure out how to use a printer, & defraud labor into not reporting management by making the process unecessarily complicated so labor doesnt bother, hr justs parrots insulting corporate fraud to cover up labor law violations & a bunch of white people labor trafficking & exploiting immigrants with not many choices that dont comprehend our laws & rights.

Its not a “perception” or “feeling” theres precendent & court cases on record resulting in billions in fines for being a criminal orginization

STOP it. its insulting to labor whenever here “team” we laugh and are insulted, when you hand out bags of chips most take them cuz calories but are insulted, when you come by ince an hour or two and act like superman for 5 minutes thinking your doing something then vanishe, were insulted, when 2,3,4,5+ of you stand around in our fucking way WATCHING us work like zoo animals were insulted…

just document everything the algo is designed for you to eventually fail. Use this guide when your done using amazon or amazons done using you…

you have a right to a independent witness to be present when they speak to you, so make them spend $50+ an hour instead of $25+ an hour when they want to stop you from working to discuss your bowel movements, lie to you about safety, or try to get you to do someone elses job without proper compensation…

“I need an independent witness everytime management wants to speak to me”

this is your right use it

If you were fired, plan on being fired, plan to quit, were injured, dont really care about this job… spend 1.5 days working and try to turn it into 10 weeks severance pay with a $7500 lawsuit against these criminals that really smile in your face AND lie to you.

Im from ancient history & retired. They fire me Im filing lawsuit same day on GP and the world keeps spinning.

100 small claims filed the same day = amazon labor traffickers need to pay lawyers 500+ hours($100,000 @ $200 an hour & these criminals use better lawyers than that), and show up in person to avoid default judgement risking amazon $750,000. ($7500 maximum small claims times 100 employees.

50 cases filed $380,000+

25 cases filed $190,000+

10 cases filed $74,000+

labors risk $250 & 1 hour to file case
might lose $250 or gain up to $7500

My guess is during mandatory mediation amazon settles rather than setting precedent in court or testifying on their labor practices.

We all have plenty of evidence, take pictures, document lies, hypocritical actions, events, & illegal requests…

search “amazon fined” takes 3 seconds to verify

all current & past amazon employees have a small claims case & can possibly earn a $7500 judgement

this isnt a legit business its labor trafficking in broad daylight, imagine the fraud they tell labor whose second language is English or don’t understand the language well or at all.

35 million fine jan 2024 france
22K feb 2024 russia
2 million feb 2024
525 million april 2024
886 million jan 2024
Big Tech has already made enough money in 2024 to pay all its 2023 fines jan 8th 2024.

8 days to pay its yearly fines its cheaper to pay the fine than follow laws.

Amazon tracks its French warehouse workers to the second, regulator finds

theres a whole lot of fraud & labor trafficking going on & its not my job to point out the obvious, almost everyone now is just documenting it, my job is to put boxes on a shelf at a rate I assume is above average until some stranger stops me from doing so to converse about my bowel movements when I then assume my stats start to resemble the average workers…

I dont know the only time management ever speaks to me is to discuss my bowel movements or to try & defraud me into doing a whole nother humans job for 1 pay check like I’m some kind of math flunkie idiot. Most are in the way & are not helping, 10 less bowel movement inspectors, & 8 more dollars an hour for above average stats would probably fix a lot of issues….

maybe split the labor trafficking bonus amongst the actual laborers instead of the chair warmers and laptop pushers, pretty sure 3 competent people can replace 15 of them….I kid I kid whose gonna come up with great ideas like flags or popcorn giveaways? or lie to our faces about being a team & caring about our safety while standing around watching us during puck stage stating outloud how unsafe it is for months?

Ive witnessed no less than 3 managers block an aisle forcing an actual laborer to walk around them & their laptops carrying a box oblivious this woman was trying to work. pictures exist of this productive $75+ an hour meeting of 3 people.

Ive witnessed 3+ managers stand around and watch boxes fall to the floor and offer no assistance to the labor their exploiting into doung multiple peoples jobs for 1 pay check. Either under duress or not aware of their rights in this country. pictures exist of this

This wouldnt occur if the warehouse wasnt negligent in staffing correctly, everyone is documenting theres thousands of pictures showing there is not enough people to do the job. 10 pictures a day from 10 people is all the evidence needed to see theyre short least 20+ people & expect everyone to do those 20+ peoples job for the pay…

preciate the quarter
youre ignorant or complicit neither holds up in court

pretty disgusting too



How to sue Amazon in Small Claims Court Denver
It will cost less than $250 ($55 Filing Fee, $75 to serve registered Agent, $75 mediator)
You will need a scanner/printer or a UPS Store can scan & email documents for less than $10
It will also require 3-4 trips to Littleton Co.

1. Print this partially filled out form, add your name 3 times, sign & date 3 times

2. Don’t need to change address, hotel works fine, none of these non humans will call so used hotel phone number, change if you want. Black Out violations you don’t have evidence or claims to.

3. Address used for Amazon is the registered agent currently on file. You can NOT use the Seattle Address it must be in Arapahoe County.

Registered Agent Information

Agent Principal Address Amazon Logistics, Inc.
1900 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120

3. Visit 1790 W. Littleton Blvd. Littleton, CO 80120 to file, you will need $55 or lots of paperwork to verify you can’t pay. Courts are backed up so the actual court date will be MONTHS later.

4. Once filed you will need to scan documents given to you now stamped with court seal & trial date or visit a UPS store to have them do it. I have a portable scanner if you need to use one.

5. Set up a free to serve Amazons Registered Agent, This fee was around $75 Registered Agent #20171772483 Amazon Logistics, Inc. 1900 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120
It can take them up to 6 days but my experience it was done in 2 business days.

6. Once sends you proof of service You need to print it out & return to 1790 W. Littleton Blvd. Littleton, CO 80120 & file it with court. This costs nothing.

7. Once you file proof of service contact a mediator ASAP the court provides a few you can email.
aburddick AT was prompt with her replies & easy to work with, she will provide zoom link for mediation usually within a couple of weeks for less than $70. You can choose any mediator you want but get this part done ASAP.

Small Claims Court Arapahoe County, Colorado
Court Address: 1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120

Case Number:


Division Courtroom

Address: 9201 E Arapahoe Rd,
City/State/Zip: Englewood CO 80112
Phone: Home (303) 790-8220 Work ______________ Cell
DEFENDANT(1): Amazon
12675 Liberty Blvd,
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone: Work (720) 870-3572 Fax
Phone: Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________

If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent. Name: Registered Agent #20171772483 Amazon Logistics, Inc. 1900 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120

1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: Yes No Unknown
2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. Yes No
3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. Yes No
4. I am an attorney: Yes No

Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial
To the Defendant(s):
You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on ________________________ (date) at __________(time) at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense. If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.

Dated: ____________________________ ______________________________________
Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk
Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)
The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).

Intentional Criminal Negligence Understaffing, Lost Wages, Wrongful Termination, Wage Theft, Fraud,
Human/Labor Trafficking, Labor Exploitation, Labor Law Violations, Algorithmic Discrimination, Algorithmic Stalking, Spam, Harassment, Violation Article 23 Human Rights, Torture…

Note: The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00.
I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County this calendar year.

Dated: _______________________ _____ ________
Plaintiff’s Signature
____ _________
Plaintiff’s Signature
Small Claims Court Arapahoe County, Colorado
Court Address: 1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120

Address: 9201 E Arapahoe Rd,
City/State/Zip: Englewood CO 80112
Phone: Home (303) 790-8220 Work ______________ Cell
DEFENDANT(1): Amazon
12675 Liberty Blvd,
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone: Work (720) 870-3572 Fax
Phone: Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________

Case Number:


Division Courtroom

If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent. Name: Registered Agent #20171772483 Amazon Logistics, Inc. 1900 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120

1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: Yes No Unknown
2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. Yes No
3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. Yes No
4. I am an attorney: Yes No

Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial
To the Defendant(s):
You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on _________________________ (date) at__________ (time) at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense. If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.

Dated: ____________________________ ______________________________________
Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk
Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)
The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).

Intentional Criminal Negligence Understaffing, Lost Wages, Wrongful Termination, Wage Theft, Fraud,
Human/Labor Trafficking, Labor Exploitation, Labor Law Violations, Algorithmic Discrimination, Algorithmic Stalking, Spam, Harassment, Violation Article 23 Human Rights, Torture…
Note: The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00.
I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County in this calendar year.

Dated: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Plaintiff’s Signature
Plaintiff’s Signature

You must complete and fill out a response and or counterclaim on reverse side of Defendant’s copy and bring to Court.
Defendant’s Response (If responding, pay the appropriate filing fee). I do not owe the Plaintiff(s) or am not responsible to the Plaintiff(s) because:
Defendant’s Counterclaim (If submitting a counterclaim, pay the appropriate filing fee).
The Plaintiff(s) owe(s) me $_______________, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).
The amount of my/our counterclaim does not exceed the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court of $7,500.00.
The amount of my/our counterclaim exceeds the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court, but I/we wish to limit the
amount that I/we wish to recover from the Plaintiff to $7,500.00.
The amount of my/our counterclaim exceeds the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court, and I/we wish to have the
case sent to County Court (only if I/we wish to limit the amount I/we can recover from the plaintiff to $25,000.00) District Court (I /we do not wish to limit the amount I/we can recover from the Plaintiff(s)) and will pay the appropriate filing fee. I/we am/are filing a Notice of Removal and paying the appropriate filing fee to the Court at this time.
I am an attorney. Yes No
I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true and correct and that I mailed a copy of the Response/Counterclaim to the Plaintiff(s) at the address(es) stated on this form on ____________________ (date).

Defendant’s Address
_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Defendant’s Signature Date Telephone #: Home Work Cell
Information for Defendants in Small Claims Cases
A. Filing Fees.
Response without a counterclaim:
• Claim $500.00 or less: $26.00 Claim over $500.00 but less than $7,500.00: $41.00
Response with a counterclaim:
• If Plaintiff’s claim is $500.00 or less and counterclaim is $500.00 or less: $31.00
• If Plaintiff’s claim is more than $500.00 or counterclaim is more than $500.00: $46.00
B. Response. You have been served with a Summons. If you fail to appear on the trial date shown on this notice, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must file with the Court Clerk a written response or counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date, provide a copy to the Plaintiff(s), pay the appropriate nonrefundable filing fee, and appear on the date set for trial in this notice with all evidence and witnesses needed to establish your defense.
C. Subpoenas. Upon your request, the clerk will issue a subpoena to require witnesses to appear or bring documents for your trial. It is your responsibility to complete the information needed on the subpoena and to have the subpoena served. Subpoenas must be served personally and may be served by a person over the age of 18 that is not a party to the case. Subpoenas must be accompanied by a check for payment of witness fees and mileage for any witnesses served.
D. Counterclaim. If you have a claim against the Plaintiff(s), you must file with the Court clerk the Defendant’s counterclaim at the top of this form, provide a copy of the counterclaim to the Plaintiff(s) prior to the trial, and pay the appropriate nonrefundable filing fee. If you settle your counterclaim before trial, notify the Small Claims Court and the Plaintiff(s) in writing. If you want your case heard by a Court of greater jurisdiction, you must complete and file this form, pay the appropriate filing fee (County: Under $999.99 = $85.00; $1,000 – $14,999.99= $105.00; $15,000.00 – $25,000 = $135.00. District: $235.00) and file a Notice of Removal (JDF 251) at least 7 days before the trial date shown on this Notice.
E. Trial Responsibility. You have a right to a trial. Bring all evidence necessary to establish your defense and/or counterclaim: books, papers, repair bills, photographs or other exhibits. If the suit involves the delivery of personal property, be prepared to deliver the property immediately after trial. Be on time. If you are late, the Court may enter judgment against you.
F. Appeal. If you wish to appeal, you must file your notice of appeal within 14 days of the judgment and proceed according to C.R.C.P 411.
G. Judgment. The Court does not collect any judgment, but will help with the necessary forms.
Money Judgment. If judgment is entered against you, you are expected to immediately pay the judgment, including filing fees and court costs. If the judgment is not paid immediately, you must answer questions about your assets and income and the other party can obtain a writ of garnishment or execution against your wages or property. Once the judgment is paid, you are entitled to have the judgment satisfied. Non-monetary Judgment. If the Court orders immediate possession of the property, performance of a contract, setting aside of a contract or compliance with a restrictive covenant, your failure to comply with the Court order may result in an award of damages and/or being held in contempt.
H. Case Inquiries. When inquiring about this case, refer to the case number on this notice. Direct all inquiries to the clerk, not the judge or magistrate.
I. Attorney. If you want to be represented by an attorney, you or your attorney must file a Notice of Representation of Attorney (JDF 256) at least 7 days before the trial date on this notice. Then the Plaintiff(s) may have representation by an attorney. If the Plaintiff(s) is/are an attorney, you also may be represented by an attorney without filing a notice of representation. Even if there are attorneys in the case, the rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.
J. Judicial Officer. A magistrate or a judge may hear your case. If you want a judge to hear your case, you must file an Objection to a Magistrate Hearing Case (JDF 259) at least 7 days before the trial date set in this notice. The rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.
K. Language Interpreter. If you or a witness requires a language interpreter to be present for hearings, you must contact the Managing Interpreter corresponding to the district in which the case will be heard at least 7 days before the trial date is set on this notice. A language interpreter may only interpret what is said between parties during a hearing and immediately prior to or after the hearing. A language interpreter may not provide legal advice or any other service that is not related to interpreting. Interpreters may not provide any services that may constitute a violation of the language interpreter’s Code of Professional Responsibility. A current list of Managing Interpreters can be viewed at

Small Claims Court Arapahoe County, Colorado
Court Address: 1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120

Address: 9201 E Arapahoe Rd,
City/State/Zip: Englewood CO 80112
Phone: Home (303) 790-8220 Work ______________ Cell
DEFENDANT(1): Amazon
12675 Liberty Blvd,
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone: Work (720) 870-3572 Fax
Phone: Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________

Case Number:


Division Courtroom

If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent. Name: Registered Agent #20171772483 Amazon Logistics, Inc. 1900 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120

1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: Yes No Unknown
2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute.Yes No
3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. Yes No
4. I am an attorney: Yes No

Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial
To the Defendant(s):
You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on (date) ___________________________ (time) __________ at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense. If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.

Dated: ____________________________ ______________________________________
Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk
Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)
The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).

Intentional Criminal Negligence Understaffing, Lost Wages, Wrongful Termination, Wage Theft, Fraud,
Human/Labor Trafficking, Labor Exploitation, Labor Law Violations, Algorithmic Discrimination, Algorithmic Stalking, Spam, Harassment, Violation Article 23 Human Rights, Torture…
Note: The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00.

I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County in this calendar year.

Dated: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Plaintiff’s Signature
Plaintiff’s Signature


A. FILING. You may file your claim in this Court if:
1. Your claim is for money, property, specific performance or rescission of a contract, or enforcement of a restrictive covenant that does not exceed $7,500.00. You may reduce a larger claim and waive the balance. You cannot divide a claim and file two separate cases.
2. At least one of the parties you sue resides, is regularly employed, has an office for the transaction of business, or is a student in this county, or they own rental property in the county that is the subject of this claim.
3. You pay the clerk one of the following NONREFUNDABLE filing fees.
• Claim $500.00 or less: $31.00
• Claim over $500.00 but less than $7,500.00: $55.00

B. SERVICE. This notice to appear must be served at least 15 days prior to the trial on each Defendant. It may be served by:
1. Any person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action.
2. Sheriff or process server.
3. Certified Mail that is mailed by the clerk. You must deposit the cost for certified mail in advance.

C. SETTLEMENT. If you settle your claim before trial, you must notify the Small Claims Court and Defendant in writing.

D. SUBPOENAS. Upon your request, the clerk will issue a subpoena to require witnesses to appear or bring documents for your trial. It is your responsibility to complete the information needed on the subpoena and to have the subpoena served. Subpoenas must be served personally and may be served by a person over the age of 18 that is not a party to the case. Subpoenas must be accompanied by a check for payment of witness fees and mileage for any witnesses served.

E. TRIAL RESPONSIBILITY. You have a right to a trial. Bring all evidence necessary to prove your case: books, papers, repair bills, photographs or other exhibits. Be on time. If you are late or do not appear, the Court may enter judgment in favor of the Defendant and against you if the Defendant filed a counterclaim.

F. APPEAL. If you wish to appeal, you must file your notice of appeal within 14 days of the judgment and proceed according to C.R.C.P. 411.

G. JUDGMENT. THE COURT DOES NOT COLLECT ANY JUDGMENT, but will help with the necessary forms.
Money Judgment. If judgment is entered in favor of the Defendant and against you, you are expected to immediately pay the judgment, including filing fees and court costs. If the judgment is not paid immediately, you must answer questions about your assets and income and the other party can obtain a writ of garnishment or execution against your wages or property. Once the judgment is paid, you are entitled to have the judgment satisfied.
Non-monetary Judgment. If the Court orders immediate possession of the property, performance of a contract, setting aside of a contract or compliance with a restrictive covenant, failure to comply with the Court order may result in an award of damages and or being held in contempt.

H. CASE INQUIRIES. When inquiring about this case, refer to the case number on the other side of this document. Direct all inquiries to the clerk, not the judge or magistrate.

I. ATTORNEY. If the Defendant(s) want(s) to be represented by an attorney, the Defendant(s) or attorney must file a Notice of Representation of Attorney (JDF 256) at least 7 days before the trial date on this notice. Then, you may have representation by an attorney. If either party is an attorney, the other party may be represented by an attorney without filing a notice of representation. Even if there are attorneys in the case, the rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.

J. JUDICIAL OFFICER. A magistrate or judge may hear your case. If you want a judge to hear your case, you must file an Objection to a Magistrate Hearing Case (JDF 259) at least 7 days before the trial date set in this notice. The rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.

K. Language Interpreter. If you or a witness requires a language interpreter to be present for hearings, you must contact the Managing Interpreter corresponding to the district in which the case will be heard at least 7 days before the trial date is set on this notice. A language interpreter may only interpret what is said between parties during a hearing and immediately prior to or after the hearing. A language interpreter may not provide legal advice or any other service that is not related to interpreting. Interpreters may not provide any services that may constitute a violation of the language interpreter’s Code of Professional Responsibility. A current list of Managing Interpreters can be viewed at:

Small Claims Court Arapahoe County, Colorado
Court Address: 1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120

Address: 9201 E Arapahoe Rd,
City/State/Zip: Englewood CO 80112
Phone: Home (303) 790-8220 Work ______________ Cell
DEFENDANT(1): Amazon
12675 Liberty Blvd,
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone: Work (720) 870-3572 Fax
Phone: Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________

Case Number:


Division Courtroom

If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent. Name: Registered Agent #20171772483 Amazon Logistics, Inc. 1900 W Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120

1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: Yes No Unknown
2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. Yes No
3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. Yes No
4. I am an attorney: Yes No

Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial
To the Defendant(s):
You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on (date) ___________________________ (time) __________ at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense. If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.

Dated: ____________________________ ______________________________________
Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk
Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)
The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons. (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).

Intentional Criminal Negligence Understaffing, Lost Wages, Wrongful Termination, Wage Theft, Fraud,
Human/Labor Trafficking, Labor Exploitation, Labor Law Violations, Algorithmic Discrimination, Algorithmic Stalking, Spam, Harassment, Violation Article 23 Human Rights, Torture…

Note: The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00

I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County in this calendar year.

Dated: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Plaintiff’s Signature
Plaintiff’s Signature

Case Name _____________________ v. ______________________ Case Number: _______________

(Must be returned to Court)

I swear/affirm under oath that I am 18 years or older and not a party to the action, and that I served the Notice, Claim, and Summons to Appear for Trial (JDF 250) on the following:

Name of Person Served Date and Time of Service Address of Service
(Street, County, City, State)

Check type of Service:
 By handing the documents to a person identified to me as the Defendant.
 By identifying the documents, offering to deliver them to a person identified to me as the Defendant who refused service, and then leaving the documents in a conspicuous place.
 By leaving the documents at the Defendant’s usual place of abode with ______________________ (Name of Person) who is a member of the Defendant’s family and whose age is 18 years or older. (Identify family relationship) ___________________________.)
 By leaving the documents at the Defendant’s usual workplace with __________________________ (Name of Person) who is the Defendant’s secretary, administrative assistant, bookkeeper, or managing agent. (Circle title of person served.)
 By leaving the documents with _____________________ (Name of Person), who as _______________ (title) is authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process for the Defendant.
 By leaving the documents with an officer, partner, manager, stockholder, elected official or functional equivalent pursuant to C.R.C.P. 304 _______________________ (please identify) of the corporation or non-corporate entity which was to be served. (Circle title of person who was served.)
 By serving the documents as follows (other service under C.R.C.P. 304:_____________________________

I have charged the following fees for my services in this matter:

 Private process server
 Sheriff, ____________________________County Fee $ ______________ Mileage $ _____________ ___________________________________________ Signature of Process Server

___________________________________________ Name (Print or type)

Subscribed and affirmed, or sworn to before me in the County of ______________________, State of ________________, this _______ day of _______________, 20 ______.

My Commission Expires: ________________________ ____________________________________________ Notary Public

(To be performed by Clerk within three days of filing)

I hereby certify that on __________________________(date), I mailed a true and correct copy of the NOTICE, CLAIM, AND SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR TRIAL, by placing it in the United States Mail, postage pre-paid to the Defendant(s) at the address(es) listed above.

Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk

 (If applicable) Plaintiff(s) notified of non-service on (date) ______________________. Clerk’s Initials _______________

Union Sindicato Amazon 80112

Yo full disclosure, first of all I’m not a professional union organizer this my first job in like 15 years. Last time I was in a union it was 1996. I have successfully filed small claims against multiple billion dollar “companies” & won 5+ figures. Technically 5 for 5 in that department & am slightly familiar with the process of starting a Union. If there’s interest I’ll spend more than the 15 minutes I did throwing up this site / rant / idk not much effort was put forth, but these folks crazy so lets see. there’s an afroman song somewhere about this.
; )


If 30% of ddv4 warehouse employees anonymously email 2024guru2024 at with interest, the process to officially Unionize will be started.

After that those 30% will have to sign or esign their support for a Union at DDV4. That makes it official. Emails will just let me know if I should bother.

This gets labor board involved & every DDV4 warehouse employee will participate in a secret ballot to vote yes or no to Unionize.

If 51% of people are interested a secret ballot vote may not be necessary.

Bottom line you’ll get paid more & treated better with a Union. I’ve never been at a place that despised, lied to, & hated humans so much. Anything would be an improvement far as I’m concerned, but the only thing that matters is PAY. This is a $30 an hour job minimum for anyone with above average stats.

you can not be fired for talking about Unionizing but this is the real world, you know they’ll just find something else to retaliate, so if you can’t risk this minimum wage warehouse job that doesn’t qualify an adult to rent a studio apartment DON’T risk your job. I’m at retirement age, I really don”t care. I have my own goals & agendas. I’m only sharing information.

Wait for the lie they try to tell you it’s not minimum wage. Cuz you dumb you lift box you no know maths.

I’m hoping it’s least 20-30 who don’t care because once you’re in a Union I do know its much harder for Amazon to retaliate. If not no harm no foul. I’m pretty sure the algo will continue its fraud against labor & auto terminate me soon enough for having the nerve to not let strangers from corporations exploit me into doing 2 peoples jobs for the price of one, or I”ll use up all my upt, pto.. & bounce after the continuos attempts to defraud me cause me to seek a more mutually beneficial barter for my time elsewhere

search the internet for
“Amazon labor law fines”
“Amazon violates labor laws”

At this point Amazon has the labor department on payroll, it pays so much in fines and so often. In a just world, the executives behind it would be imprisoned, it’s “tech” & assets seized, given to & controlled by thee people.

But we know that’s not happening & they’ll just continue paying fines on a regular basis so they can operate their organized criminal racket with no issues from law enforcement.

What kind of “person” smiles at you, then proceeds to lie to your face daily about caring about your wellbeing? Clinically someone like that is often diagnosed as a psycho path or socio path, they don’t know how humans act, respond, or feel. They are nothing but paid spokesholes for corporate fraudsters. If not ignorant that when a company lies its fraud, one must be complicit for the pay?

Everyone has a price. For doing 2 peoples jobs mine is personally $30 an hour.

I prefer the ghost technique opposed to the perpetrating be fake technique, but both violate labor laws if not common human decency.

There”s an expression in America don’t piss on my leg then tell me its raining.

The most dangerous / unsafe thing about DDV4 are the people who get bonuses for getting the job done with the least amount of labor possible. They care about their numbers, liability(hence continuously lying to you about caring about your safety) & doing the job as cheap as possible.

. Their words say “people over profits”, but their ACTIONS prove it’s profits over people. They get a bonus for getting you to do 2,3,4…peoples job. They consider it safe because most of them are’nt doing it, it”s 3+ of em gathered around watching you do it for 10 minutes. Send emails, watch labor perform labor get bonus, lift 3000 boxes get a rice crispy treat that fell out a box last month once every other month or a slice of pizza. Next month it’ll be a handful of candy corn just like grandma used to hand out during 1980 halloween. preciate the calories, all though insulting after 10 hours of labor all free calories are appreciated I suppose but that”s how most labor really feels.

Amazon try everything except following labor laws & paying more.

I’m sorry a .20 bag of microwave popcorn or an extra $2(not 5 since no shift premium when offered) is not fair or legal compensation for doing a whole nother humans job.

Double time is though wow I can maths too. I bet people show up & work for that check Instead people in the double digits not showing & you expect those who do to finish the same job for the same money but do the dozens of others peoples jobs who didn’t show? What part if the game is that? sorry homey labor don’t work like that.

Of course someone who lifts ZERO boxes per day feels & thinks labor having to lift the same box, 3,4,5,..
+ times is safe…nah lifting 1000ish times a day safer than lifting 2000ish times & the only reason your lifting 2000 times is so people who lift no boxes get a bonus

If staffed properly boxes don’t get to floors, shelves stay stowable, recycles are diminished, you can’t design this level of inefficient.

When a ‘company” lies it”s fraud

1 bag of jiffys or a box on the floor in an empty aisle is “unsafe” yet it frees up space for puller & allows stower to get to it as time permits

yet magically around 9am pick stage 2-3+ bags, 2-3+ boxes, 2-3+ humans, 2-3+ carts in the same aisle…becomes “safe”

Its “safe” when Just In Time protocol sets in but “unsafe” when labors time & safety is involved.

If they state both things, one of those statements is FRAUD.

boxes stacked on the floor, where no humans should be 1-20 feet where they need to go is “unsafe”

Due to fraudulent understaffing letting them end up on the floor 100-500+ feet away from where they need to be is “safe” all while multiple humans trip over them, then are required to rehandle only to end up in the same situation multiple times

If they state both of these things 1 is FRAUD.

Safety videos state turn don’t twist, yet Just In Time protocols force labor into spaces that only allow for twisting….

hmmmmm does’nt sound like “people over profits to me” seems like they don’t care if you’re in unsafe crowded situations twisting your life away, avoiding people being extorted/exploited into running around trying to hit numbers that don’t benefit them in fear of getting fired for speaking up or invoking their human rights

When there are NO people in aisles towards end of pick stage & devices give overcrowded error message, yet device does’nt give that message when there’s more than 1 person in an aisle it’s FRAUD BROGRAMMED (P) into the algo. That’s 1st class of computer science not a “glitch” or “bug”. A criminal has to program that code in to act like that. The device is lying to you, that lie is programmed in. It can easily limit 1 person per aisle when picking which would actually be safe not a lie about being safe.

If a bag in the aisle is “unsafe” so is 2+ humans with 2+ bags… both can not be true statements. Forced to twist, forced into unsafe closed spaces.

Where I’m from when someone asks you to complete someone elses job you get offered that persons salary, not $5, managers don’t ask for “favors” this is exploitation. This is not a charity I trade my physical labor for real money not snacks, badges, shout outs, disney dollars, chemical vending machine poison….

Asking labor to assign other labor aisles to take a bathroom break is exploitation. It is not general labors job or paygrade to assign their peers aisles or give them more responsibilities. Managers are more focused on the bonus they get for exploiting you into doing multiple peoples job. Labor should’nt have to ask permission to go to restroom or be (shamed because that’s what the new process attempts to do) into holding their bowel movements. Again understaffing causes this to be an issue if it is? I only recently started paying attention to my bowel movement since that’s the only thing management seems to speak to me about so I do want to thank you for that. I make sure to never hold it anymore as that would’nt be safe for me. People over profits fellow Amazonian.

A few suggestions for that particular issue, maybe Amazon could supply 2 ply toilet paper that way labor doesn’t take as long to wipe, that should save 20 seconds per bathroom break. But man that 2 ply is expensive.

Or maybe force labor to supply a proof of doo doo or proof of urine picture upon returning from bowel movements?

maybe get someone who finished 3rd grade to engineer the complicated bathrooms infrastructure, I mean anything but a first graders coat is basically putting your coat on a public bathroom floor in some stalls are you serious? So if that’s the only stall available gotta take a minute to place my coat somewhere that’s not a toilet

maybe move the paper towels up a foot so you know the towels aren’t literally sitting in the trash and on public bathroom counters again this type of engineering is typically completed in the 3rd grade but that’ll shave a whole nother 5 seconds off bathroom breaks for those who tear the dirty ass towel laying in filth and discard it for a “fresh” one the filth climbed all the way up to dry our hands, now that’s one less attempt to get them fancy millimeter counting machines to recognize a human hand & spew out its next square ration or hand dryers.

How bout using that fancy AI(Exploited Indians thousands of miles away turning knobs) to allow 2 more nano seconds onto the whole second the magic auto water rinses off 10% of the soap that took 10 seconds to find a waving hand for the 2 ml of soap ration, so it takes 5 swipes & another precious minute waving your hands for that precious water. I think 2 more nano seconds of water is reasonable.

maybe more coat hangers around the property & places near rest rooms to place devices?

Why can managers take radios into restrooms but labor shouldn’t take devices. Seems like 2 different standards to me. Im not interested in shitty pissy radios all in the break room & floor like you’re not interested in my shitty pissy devices.

Half the people don’t even wash after shitting, maybe if you relaxed on exploiting them into doing multiple jobs they wouldn’t be in such a hurry skipping this stage & you’d have less sick days too. Completely anecdotal though.

So much bathroom fun who knew it was so crucial to making sure winners get their water & kitty litter delivered.

kinda related

get some vertical plastic utensil dispensers,currently the horizontal both ways dispensers, well everyone just diggin hands in there, like mentioned lots ain’t washing hands coming out that bathroom. Just sayin I’m not even like that good for the immune system & all but really though it”s 2024 do betta

$100 in magnetics & some superglue would insure a magnet on each side of every cart. But the hour that would take must not be in the billion+ a day revenue plans, but could save ya a few minutes everyday. Where does that bonus go? Not to labor not to efficiency? hmmmm

They also invented this amazing welding technology where Im sure some enterprising young lad could figure out how to weld a .03 piece of metal to the carts so there’s always a marker on one. boom few more minutes saved. But seem markers aren’t even in the budget some days. Maybe 2 fancy thing a ma jigs wow 2 markers per cart ma!

“Leaders” DON’T degrade your job or you for better numbers. You don’t start belts with no people on the line, you don’t come on a line & dump all the recycles without reading them, pacing them, understanding that days line, you don’t require labor to pay attention to Amazon fraud while actual humans on their line have to pick things up of the “unsafe” floor. Leaders don’t Limit when to stow letting shelves dangerously pile up so they can hit some number & get paid for putting your fellow co worker in actual danger.

You don’t insult labor by asking them to find one if their peers to cover their pull aisles for restroom breaks, while at the same time pulling someone off the same line NOT covering the now laborless aisle, that’s HYPOCRITICAL to speak about confidential medically protected bowel movements for 5 minutes. Means everything out yo mouth is a lie & fraud , I don’t believe none of yall. Everyday lie, exploit, lie.

I just document the absurdity and perform at I would assume is the top 20% of my peers. I’d like to be able to do it minus the fraud por favor.

Do as I say not as I do might work at home with a ignorant child your trying to lead but not in the real world with actual adults that can smell the BS from miles away.

When “management” keeps switching your position it’s to manipulate THEIR numbers or because they’re taking orders from an illegal algo to get you to do multiple jobs for 1 paycheck.

Best believe if they open sourced that algo they’d all be in prison.

That’s all they care about silly numbers that matter to them not you. Don’t be exploited.

A Union warehouse job like this paid $20 an hour in 1996 (ask me how I know) In 2005 when rent was $750, $20 an hour was a lot, you could afford a HOME, a car, & support a FAMILY. Working 40 hours at DDV4 doesn’t even qualify you for a studio apartment down the street. Working 60 hours 6 days a week still does NOT qualify you to live in a studio apartment. $28 an hour would be MINIMUM just to qualify for a studio apartment, full time 40 hours per week & you can’t even afford a bedroom.

If you know anyone that’s been fired or exploited by Amazon they may have a Small Claims Case. I can offer a free 10 minute consultation on how to start this process. No guarantees but large criminal organizations like Amazon like to settle issues like these in mediation instead of admitting their fraud in court & setting precedent. For $100 I can file all paperwork on your behalf. But it really only takes an hour at most & total process independently to file is less than $250. Could earn you $7500 if you have a legitimate case win or get a default judgement for them not showing or zero. Either way you still have to collect if they don”t settle during pre trial mediation .

It’s cheaper for Amazon to just pay fines then follow the law or show any hunan decency.

words matter when “companies” say them.

Everyone is here for a reason & all work is honorable. My goal was April & it’s April & I don’t know how much longer I’ll tolerate the fraud & exploitation. I understand everyone has bills, rent, life… this is why DDV4 can get away with what they do ..

I also understand more than half of labor may not understand Americas labor laws or their rights to unite & collectively bargain with their employers.

I don’t want anyone to lose or risk a job they may need. So feel free to ignore I aint mad a cha. But if you have interest send an email. If I get enough interest I’ll spend time on officially starting the process.

I will never share any info on who contacted me or our conversations. My generation don’t see nothing & sho don’t say nothing.

——–What a Union negotiating together could provide——

-Yes you will have to pay into a Union out every check. Not sure what dues are these days but the much higher pay & being treated like a human with rights typically covers it : )

-For reference Union dues were $30 a month in 1996 where a similar
warehouse job started at $11 & paid -$19 after 3 years so in 1996 it paid the same as AMAZON in 2024.

-$30 per hour after 6 months employment

-$25 per hour & mandatory blue badge after 90 days employment

-current hourly for new hires.

-time & a half after 10 hours a day

-double time holidays

-labor must meet minimum stowing / picking / pulling / dock numbers to be set & agreed upon by labor & management based on current averages

-no permission from hr for forms to report issues. An Online fillable form or stack of forms labor has access to.

-An official LOCAL email & phone labor can call to leave message & document issues. Not call centers thousands of miles away. Not just an app that takes up space & data on labors phone that labors not compensated for. Unless Amazon want’s to provide labor cell phones & data plans as use of one has nothing to do with my job tasks.

Labors going to act like an algo if treated like one. It’s called redundancy. Apps aren’t necessary for general labor warehouse jobs.

-“mandatory” ended with slavery in most states, a Union would also end it, their won’t be anything mandatory aside from following the law.

-breaks start when labor gets to break room, if it takes 2 minutes to get to break room from station breaks are to be called 2 minutes prior not exact then you expect labor to be in their stations at correct times. You are violating labor laws, exploiting humans not aware they have rights. If you want labor to care about “company” time stop exploiting labor by trying to steal theirs.

-1 person assigned to every 2 aisles.

-1 splitter for front of each aisle.

-heated area outside for winter where doors open.

-heaters inside not a video showing us what frost bite looks like. Its called heat. lord have mercy on their poor souls

-misters / fans outside/inside for summer.

-cup holders for labor cleaned out more than once per century

-no ndas so we wont spill Amazons secret 3000+ year old Egyption “technology” of pulling packages across the ground using ropes & pushing things on wheels

-Can only be fired for real reasons not because someone doesn’t like you or feelings.

-honest advertising in job ads
let future labor know it’s an outdoor job & pushing 450+ pound carts is part of the job description as those were conveniently left out.

-everytime they spam & harass your phone they must offer more money or pay you per disruption outside of your scheduled hours, begging me 20+ times a day with notifications to come in is harassment at this point. An algo written by a 7th grader would see it’s not working and raise the offer. No $5 is not an offer to actual humans.

-80 song literal cia torture playlist is expanded to thousands of songs or music just ended. no ones requesting kung fu fighting everyday for 9 months. you’re ruining what was once good music & it’s deliberate at this point, it stopped being funny 6 months ago. This technique is literally in the cias handbook for torture. Switch it up or turn it off por favor.

-dual speakers for announcements why do I have to listen to announcements while half the workforce don’t? Don’t want any issue con mi hermanos y hermanas but you talking to all of us or just half? Cuz 1 of the answers just ain’t fair or legal when it comes to the workplace.

Yo no quiero vaca amigos tu es mi trabajo familia. Lo siento, perdón por ofender.

-enough devices / tools to do the job (actual tool room where devices are assigned, maintained, can keep the actual time…

-certified personal trainers / licensed physicians can only request labor into stretching routines it’s not 1984 & this ain’t Gung Ho

-I cant possible believe treating labor like a game & getting them to “compete” for fake money / disney dollars that can only be spent at the “company” store/poisonous chemical vending machines can possible be legal, but even if it is most labor finds it insulting so yeah treating labor like some kind of game endangering people because some value red bulls higher than others would be ended

-cafeteria that serves 1 full healthy meal per day labor deserves it more than the executives & people who lift ZERO boxes per year, I mean it is the *core* business I kid I kid it’s become apparent Amazon doesn’t even really make money moving boxes, pretty apparent with anyone with eyes it’s from labor/human trafficking. A form of exploitation in broad daylight.

We don’t need the yoga room, the meditation room, the rainbow room, the feeling room, or the latte insta booth…. yall suits can keep that the audacity of profiting off your exploited labor thru vending machines is amazing though. kudos

Really we just want the money yall about $8 an hour short not that you care, & for our employers to stop lying(committing fraud) to our faces.

We might lift boxes but we do have
ape not harm ape
why corporate ape harm labor ape?


Collectively labor has bargaining power

free audio English learning programs if interested just download or save pages as


the site did cost me a whole hour of work if ya wanna throw me some sheckles


End of blah blah blah

What Is A Union Authorization Card?
When unions begin targeting employees, their focus isn’t on winning an election. At least, not at first – primarily because they can’t hold a secret ballot election until and unless they can show that employees are interested in representation. So, really, then, what is a union authorization card? In the beginning stages of a campaign, union organizers’ objective is to gather employee signatures, and every time a team member signs a union card, the union is one step closer to that goal.

What Does A Union Card Do?
By signing a union card, individual members of a potential bargaining unit indicate that they are interested in the opportunity to participate in the election process. Once the union representatives have collected signed authorization cards from at least 30 percent of employees, the union can petition the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold a secret ballot election.

When interest in unionization is strong, the signed cards can take on an even more critical role in the process. If a union can demonstrate through signed authorization cards that 50 percent plus one member of the potential bargaining unit is interested in a union, an election may not be required. Instead, the Company can expect to hear from union representatives directly, requesting voluntary recognition of the union as the employees’ exclusive bargaining representative.

The Art of Labor Relations CTA
Little Cards, Big Trouble
The issue with union cards isn’t immediately apparent, because signing the card does not commit you to vote for the union. However, the fact that there is no commitment makes it far easier for unions to reach the 30 percent mark – and often the 50 percent mark – quickly and easily. The process is even faster now that employees can sign using electronic forms. Through the use of email and social media, unions collect signatures from individuals who haven’t yet formed a firm position on the subject, and employers have less time than ever to offer important education and information.

Once a union authorization card is signed, the cards are generally considered valid for approximately 12 months – but there is no firm rule on when your signature expires. Employees do have the right to ask for their card back, and by doing so, they can revoke their signature. However, this process is at best, challenging, and gets even more cumbersome when you sign an authorization card via an online form. If you’ve signed a card and want to ensure it’s not counted, send written notification to the union that you wish to rescind your union card.

Companies can educate employees on union cards by sharing the video, “Little Card Big Trouble.” In just 17 minutes, this video educates employees on the power of their signature and how union organizers get those signatures. “Little Card Big Trouble” is the industry standard in education on the topic and includes powerful role-play scenarios with which employees can identify. Stop card signing by educating employees on the power of union cards and the importance of protecting their signature. Click here to learn more.

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100 small claims filed the same day = amazon labor traffickers need to pay lawyers 500+ hours, and show up in person to avoid default judgement risking amazon $750,000. ($7500 maximum small claims times 100 employees.

50 cases filed $380,000+

25 cases filed $190,000+

10 cases filed $74,000+

labors risk $250 & 1 hour to file case
might lose $250 or gain up to $7500

My guess is during mandatory mediation amazon settles rather than setting precedent in court or testifying on their labor practices.

We all have plenty of evidence, take pictures, document lies, hypocritical actions, events, & illegal requests…

amazon has the labor department on payroll paying billions in fines for violating laws(organized crime racket RICO)

search “amazon fined” takes 3 seconds to verify

all current & past amazon employees have a small claims case & can possibly earn a $7500 judgement

print this form
enter your name, address, phone, cross of amazon violations you don’t have a claim for, & file.

if you want to do this on same day email 2024guru2024 at gmail

Im waiting until the illegal algo fires me again to file, but if enough people contact can file before.

so your “job” is to stop me from working to discuss my bowel movements when least 30 people produce less than me?


did you know after they insult you with a slice of pizza or a bag of cancer popcorn they still split thousands of dollars from the bonus they get from labor trafficking you by defrauding you into working 2 or more peoples jobs for 1 check?

“$5” over the speaker when its really $2 is FRAUD. When a “company” lies courts consider it fraud. Document it every time.

“up to $5” in the app isnt technically fraud just how evil pieces of human trash that despise labor act. Its slimy.

this isnt a legit business its labor trafficking in broad daylight, imagine the fraud they tell labor whose second language is English or don’t understand the language well or at all.

35 million fine jan 2024 france
22K feb 2024 russia
2 million feb 2024
525 million april 2024
886 million jan 2024
Big Tech has already made enough money in 2024 to pay all its 2023 fines jan 8th 2024.

8 days to pay its yearly fines its cheaper to pay the fine than follow laws.
Amazon tracks its French warehouse workers to the second, regulator finds
By Anna Cooban, CNN
3 minute read
Published 8:47 AM EST, Tue January 23, 2024
The Inc. fulfillment center in Bretigny-sur-Orge, France, on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2022. Amazon employees in the US, UK, India, Japan, Australia, South Africa and across Europe are demanding better wages and working conditions as the cost-of-living crisis deepens, in a campaign dubbed “Make Amazon Pay.” Photographer: Benjamin Girette/Bloomberg via Getty Images
An Amazon warehouse in the commune of Bretigny-sur-Orge, France, seen in November 2022
Benjamin Girette/Bloomberg/Getty Images/File
London CNN —
A French regulator has fined the local operator of Amazon’s warehouses €32 million ($35 million) for using an “excessively intrusive” surveillance system to track the activities of its workers.

The French Data Protection Authority, or the CNIL, said in a statement Tuesday that Amazon France Logistique gave warehouse staff scanners that recorded their periods of inactivity and how quickly they performed certain tasks, such as removing an item from shelves or putting an item away.

The CNIL ruled the scanner system to be “excessive” partly because it measured “work interruptions with such accuracy, potentially requiring employees to justify every break or interruption.”

Amazon (AMZN) said in a statement posted on its European Union site: “We strongly disagree with the CNIL’s conclusions … and we reserve the right to file an appeal.

“Warehouse management systems are industry standard and are necessary for ensuring the safety, quality, and efficiency of operations and to track the storage of inventory and processing of packages on time and in line with customer expectations.”

Twitch, an Amazon owned company, signage outside its headquarters, Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023, in San Francisco. (Aaron M. Sprecher via AP)
Related article Amazon will cut hundreds of jobs, including at game streaming firm Twitch

The scanners used in France measure whether a worker scanned an item less than 1.25 seconds after scanning the previous item, based on the assumption that scanning too quickly increases the risk of error, the regulator said.

Amazon said this indicator was important to ensure that “employees take enough time to store the products so they can follow our safety guidelines” and to properly inspect each parcel before it is stored. But the company has decided to deactivate the collection of this data following the CNIL’s questions, it added.

Secondly, staff were judged to be “idle” if their scanners had been inactive for at least 10 minutes, the regulator found. Amazon said the data allowed its teams to “spot problems” that posed a risk to the firm’s operations or the safety of its employees. The company will now raise the threshold for logging “idle time” to 30 minutes, it noted.

A third indicator used by Amazon signaled when a worker’s scanner was interrupted anywhere between one and 10 minutes, according to the CNIL.

“Such systems kept employees under close surveillance for all tasks carried out with scanners and thus put them under continuous pressure,” the CNIL said, adding that the monitoring gave the company “a competitive advantage” over other companies in the online sales market.

The regulator fined Amazon France Logistique in late December following several investigations into the firm’s practices in its warehouses and complaints from employees. The CNIL found that the warehouse operator had kept data on the performance of its staff for 31 days — a length of time it also deemed “excessive.”

The regulator ruled that the firm had breached several elements of EU data protection law.

In the United States, Amazon has long faced scrutiny for the working conditions inside its warehouses, with employees complaining of punishing hours and close surveillance by bosses.

Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking where victims are made to perform a task through force, fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States.

FRAUD = force under the courts definition, when a company lies to you its considered fraud.

1 bag in empty aisle with NO humans is “unsafe”

boxes on floor 10-20 feet next to where they need to go = “unsafe”

pick stage after 9am these things magically become “safe”

1,2,3,4,5+ bags + 1,2,3,4,5+ in the same aisle is “safe”

boxes on floor 100-500+ feet where boxes are supposed to go is “safe”

“turn dont twist” “twisting is NOT safe”

but they only give you room to twist is FRAUD

“team” means profit sharing STOP using basic words fraudulently, go back your holes where you never spoke or came out, because lying to humans faces daily & the see thru fakeness isnt goung to work out well for those just following orders, pretty sire 20-30+ people just last month are gone, standing around during pick stage ignoring its 100% unsafe now makes you complicit, whoever started changing things end of November belongs in a prison cell. STOP trying to get everyone to work 2 jobs for one check.

how dare you insinuate I or any labor here is part of your “team” you cant possible be that blind. Then try to tell me when its safe to go in an aisle the first time Ive ever seen you touch a box in 9+ months

I do MY job, MY job isnt your job. If you want me to do 2 peoples job I need 2 peoples checks. I dont work for thank yous or shout outs.

criminally understaffed
labor trafficking
labor exploitation
wage theft
algorithmic discrimination
algorithmic stalking
spam & harrassment off clock (sending 20+ messages daily about VTO then 10+ more about extra shifts)

if management isnt complicit they are ignorant neither should lead adults & both should be criminal on top of civil cases…

the worst criminals are the ones who actually think they arent criminals, this “company” actually has the audacity to run background checks on minimum wage labor that they themselves wouldnt pass.

Thats 100% corruption / evil folks.

these “people” really think we stupid, were like zoo animals to these master motivators I kid I kid no one here could lead a pair of scissors thru a wet paper bag.

ALL work/hustles/grinds are honarable din’t let these modern criminal / labor/ human traffickers degrade you or your job. They are exploiting mostly immigrants unto doing 2 jobs for 1 paycheck. They are not clever just disgusting samples of “human beings”

now that theyreblatantly violating labor laws for pullers by denying them vathroom breaks unless they assigm labor other aisles & duties which isnt general labors pay grade, dont hold it as often on stow days.

since they literally deploy cia torture tactics everyday with their 80 song playlist & apparently are oblivious 90+% dint enjoy it ferl free to partake in a ddv4 bathroom game…

kung fu fighting triggers a bowel movement, so does my sharona or any song played twice or more during a shift..

Maybe 3 outta of the 10+ managers do anything that benefits labor the vast majority just parroting corporate fraud from their criminal bosses.

take pictures & document amazons blatant crimes, they so blatant & pay so many fines they dont even care theyre committing fraud from start of shift till end. youll have a small claims case at the very least. labor departments in their back pocket(complicit / rico with permission) so thats a harder much more expensive battle.